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Recomended motorcycle transport, North Carolina to Connecticut

Do a search on this site; there are quite a few threads that mention transporters that others have used to their satisfaction.
I’ve used Keyboard Motorcycle Shippers, and HaulBikes, both very professional with premium quality trailers.
UShip may be a popular cheaper option, but they ruined a bike I sold to a buyer. With UShip, it’s all independent contractors who may or may not know what they’re doing.

Whoever you choose, bear in mind they generally don’t just bring your bike to you, they wait until they have a full or nearly full trailer load that’s also heading in your general direction. The last time I used HaulBikes, it was during the pandemic and it took just about two months to transport my purchase from New Mexico to New Jersey. You can get a time frame agreed to ahead of time, but they have a million excuses when they’re late and you don’t get a partial refund or any compensation.
Sometimes I wish I could be an independent hauler for this kind of gig!
Unfortunately, most are looking for the cheapest, the fastest and the best.
A friend with a pickup truck could make a short-run, adventure road trip with the OP in a weekend. Probably as close to the cheapest, the fastest and the best anyone can get. :buds :burnout

If you have the time and you're an experienced rider, a fly in and ride it out is an option.
I did that once, and it was almost a disaster, but you may be smarter than i was and/or have better weather.