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Gearing up for first track day..

You also want whoever might give you a quote has a good understanding of the difference between a s1000Xr and a s1000Rr. It could dramatically effect the cost.

It wouldn't shock me if you're right, but... The XR and RR (and R) have basically the same engine/power specs. Other than "that looks fast", I can't imagine a good reason why an R/RR would be very different. Doesn't mean it's not, insurance companies do some really dumb stuff sometimes.
It’s the “Ricky Racer” suffix and reputation of the type of rider that might own one that would prejudice the insurance company.

Compared to “a RACE bike for the street”, “an Adventure bike” sounds like a safer risk.

Sort of like the perceived insurance risk difference between a Corvette and a Cadillac station wagon. Both can cost the insurance a big claim but one of them just sounds like it has more odds of happening.

:dance :dance :dance

P.S.: A base level 2014 Corvette had 455hp. 0-60 4.0 sec. A 2014 Cadillac CTS-V had 556hp. 0-60 3.8 sec.
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So, decided on a bike I can afford to bin. I wanted something that I'd enjoy in regular situations too, and different enough from my XR to not be 100% overlap. Went with the Tuono 660, having a lot of fun getting used to it, seems to be a really nice bike. Got a great deal on it so no big loss if I decide I don't like it (either the bike or riding on track).

I'm also still working with Foremost on the track insurance. They only sell through agents, so it's a bit of a process to get a quote. On that note, my current insurance company (Progressive) is charging me more for the 660 than the S1000XR.. ROFL, OK, it costs 1/2 as much, it's got about 1/2 the power, can't believe it's any cheaper to fix a BMW than an Aprilla but.. Whatever. Depending on what the track insurance quote comes back at, if it's too much, I may just go back to liability only coverage to save some $$, if I can afford to bin it on the track, I can afford to bin it on the street, right?

Sure is pretty though! My wife calls them "Beauty and The Beast". ;)


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The Trueno is more expensive to insure due the the likelyhood of it being binned based on statistics...

The demographically average rider of the Trueno is different than the XR and creates a much higher risk bracket for the ins. co....
The Trueno is more expensive to insure due the the likelyhood of it being binned based on statistics...

The demographically average rider of the Trueno is different than the XR and creates a much higher risk bracket for the ins. co....

I'm sure you're right, but the demographic of the average rider is (likely) not me. The insurance company has that data too, how old is the rider, how many accidents/etc. You'd just think that going to a bike that's 1/2 the cost (actually a bit less than 1/2) with 1/2 the HP with the same rider, common sense would say "Probably cheaper to insure". The 660 also has the full suite of rider aids like the XR (anti-wheelie, lean sensitive TC, 6 axis IMU, etc).

I'm not arguing your answer, I'm sure you're right; just seems silly when the XR is so much more expensive and also much faster. Guess it's the "sport bike tax"? Also, overall, I'm pretty happy with what I pay for insurance; the XR is honestly "cheap" IMHO. In case anyone is curious, full coverage on the XR is just a touch over 700/yr. The 660 is around 900/yr. 1000 deductible, 300K CSL for liability (which is what I need as an underlying for my liability umbrella). Honestly, I think that's pretty darn reasonable, especially for the XR!
I'd say don't be scared. Just go in with your eyes open and listen to the instructors. As was said when you first roll out take your time, you're not going to impress anyone as a n00b unless you bin it large. Ease into the riding and training and it will all start to fill in and before you know it you'll be hooked. Sure it's a bit intimidating at the get go but you'll do fine. Sounds like you're touch of anxiety is keeping you sensible.
I'd say don't be scared. Just go in with your eyes open and listen to the instructors. As was said when you first roll out take your time, you're not going to impress anyone as a n00b unless you bin it large. Ease into the riding and training and it will all start to fill in and before you know it you'll be hooked. Sure it's a bit intimidating at the get go but you'll do fine. Sounds like you're touch of anxiety is keeping you sensible.
Thanks, appreciate the encouraging words!

I'm just about done getting the insurance moved over to Foremost (who covers track days). Getting the 660 ready for battle, sliders, spools, guards for everything. I'm going to leave on the stock plastics and just go with "hope" as the strategy.. May regret that, but I really don't want to change the entire bike over to track plastics.

I'm looking forward to it, hopefully I enjoy it. The 660 is a hoot to ride, I'm running it around to get through the first service; it's a fun machine; so different than the XR; think I'll be keeping this even if I do my first track day and think "this isn't for me", it's different enough that I can see myself riding this some days and the XR others. I think the 660 will be more a "summer bike" for me, it's so much more exposed that it's quite a bit cooler when the weather is hot. Suspect I'll lay it up in the winter, that's when all the protection, heated everything, etc of the XR will be more a "must have".

Most shocking things on the new bike? I cannot believe how light and small it feels compared the XR. I suspect most of it is the height, but man, does it feel tiny! And on the negative front, wow is the suspension harsh compared to the XR. I have kind of set rides from the house, riding roads with the 660 that I've ridden 100 times with the XR, I keep thinking "where did THAT bump come from". The XR is just so much softer and more compliant (in a good way, not a 1980's Town Car, just a really composed and solid suspension that doesn't send a lot of pain back to the rider!).
Once you ride something else, it becomes apparent how large BMWs are.

Good luck on your track day and congrats on the new ride!
I know we all hate paying the premiums we do for our insurance despite knowing it's a very good thing to have. I ws paying about $350 per bike and I switched providers and got 5 insured for $1000. Life is better.
Once you ride something else, it becomes apparent how large BMWs are.

Good luck on your track day and congrats on the new ride!

The XR got a new nickname. My wife was looking at them parked next to one another and said "It looks like a battleship". :) And, riding the XR I can't disagree, big, but faster than it has any reason to be for that size and again, for the size, incredibly maneuverable. But "Taking out the battleship, back in a few hours" has a nice ring to it.

Thank you! Almost through the break in on the new bike, looking forward to riding it on track!
Just wanted to update, I initiated coverage with Foremost today for the Aprilia, they do clearly indicate coverage on the track. Thank you very much for the suggestion (and, somehow, it's a lot cheaper than Progressive was for the Aprilia including track day coverage, but a lot more expensive for the BMW; so I'm leaving that with Progressive).

Now I just need to figure out a suit, get a new helmet (my modular isn't allowable on any of my local tracks), put a little crash protection on the bike and.. Send it? ;)
If your serious-

Great people. Great service.

Took my first ride today in a one piece suit. I went with the RST from SportBikeTrackGear. Around 600 bucks, and, to me, seems pretty on par with the other suit I looked at in person (Alpinestars Missle) for roughly 1/2 the price. I didn't want to drop big $$ on a suit yet, is to special purpose and depreciates like a stone, if I decide I don't like track riding, I don't want to have 2-3K invested in a suit that I'll never use again.

Yes, I was that guy. Wearing full leather on the street. It was actually kind of nice, believe it or not. It basically disappears when you get on the bike, very comfortable and surprisingly good airflow. Also, I had a few funny moments. I passed two groups of kids who just basically went bonkers when they saw me. Making the "rev it up" and "do a wheelie" signs. Also, I passed two cops set up doing radar. My detector gave me plenty of warning, I passed both of them right at the speed limit (30 MPH). The 2nd one gave me a serious stinkeye, I could see his head following me (and mad, I'm sure, because he had nothing to pull me for other than looking like Captain America). I was honestly surprised I didn't get pulled just for dressing like that on the street, but hey, I'll count my blessings (and my radar detector for pointing them out!!).

This is the suit I wound up with:

Have a full face helmet (non modular) coming, my Sportmodular, while amazing, isn't allowed on most tracks near me (maybe not any of them, modulars are generally not permitted). I got a great deal on a K6, and I've been really happy with AVG, so figured I'd stick with them. 250 bucks (memorial day sale), could not believe it!!

Also, got the Aprilia moved over to Foremost (for the track day coverage). So strange, Foremost was much cheaper for the 660 (even with track days included) and almost 2X for the S1000, so I kept that with Progressive.

So... I'm getting there! I'm thinking in the next few weeks I'm going to head to either Road Atlanta or Carolina Motorsports (I basically live between them) and see what I think of it. Everyone has told me "you'll love it"; I hope so, it's been a lot of time and money getting ready for this!
You'll love it, trust me! I did 2 track days on my 04 R1150RT last year & I'm hooked. It's such a vastly different experience than riding on the road. Take your time & build your pace slowly, try to dial in your lines, concentrating on looking far ahead & begin experimenting with body position. A lot of it really has to do with your legs & where your head is at, "kiss that mirror" even though you'll likely have it removed!

The pic is from my first trackday which was an advanced street rider training class I did at Palmer Motorsports Park in western, MA. They got me hooked & I can't wait to go back!

Looking like June 22nd or 23rd (both are options at Carolina Motorsports Park with EvolveGT) will be the day! I'm pretty much geared up, full suit (RST, linked above, worn it twice now, I'm very happy with the initial quality and it's so much cheaper than most other options, if it holds up, it's a great deal!), just got my boots yesterday (Alpinestars SMX 6 v2 Vented Boots) and gloves ( Alpinestars GP Plus R V2 Gloves). Shocked by how comfortable the boots are, they are honestly more comfortable to walk in than my Daytonas! Didn't expect that at all, but they are a "mid level" track boot, I'm sure if you get up higher in the range, the comfort starts to evaporate as more and more armor is added.

Here's my full setup, along with some approximate costs:

Helmet - AGV K6 (300, on sale, direct from AGV)
Suit - RST STG EVO 4 (500)
Gloves - Alpinestars GP Plus R V2 Gloves (200)
Boots - Alpinestars SMX 6 v2 Vented Boots (200)
Airbag - Tech 5 (doing double duty, I'm wearing that all the time now) (800)

I also bought a bike, again, double duty (really enjoying having 2 bikes, and the 660 is so much smaller and lighter, very different experience compared to the S1000XR), but adding that in pushes the price up.. :)

I moved the 660 to Foremost insurance so I could get the track day coverage that they offer. Believe it or not, it was cheaper than Progressive?! But that's not at all universal, Foremost was almost 3X the cost of Progressive for the S1000; so, this is one of those "your mileage will vary" situations. IMHO, the insurance cost for the S1000 was so high to include track days, it really didn't make sense, either hope for the best (if you're wealthy and can take a 20K loss) or run something else (some of the track orgs have rental bikes, they are expensive, and if you bin it, you'll owe them a few 1000, but at least it's not taking all the risk on your side).

Trying to get comfortable with a whole lot of new stuff as quickly as possible. I just crossed 1000 miles on the 660 tonight, hopefully can hit 2-3K before it's on the track. I'm not that good a rider where I can just "jump on and kill it", I need some time to get used to a new bike. Impressed with the 660 so far, it has a near "perfect" amount of power for the street. I can actually get it through the first 2 gear and not be into "immediate jail" territory like I am with the S1000. Very different experience though, the S1000 is just SO smooth compared to the 660. Going back and forth, it's almost unnerving how smooth the 1000 is, it feels like an electric motor, pulls like crazy, doesn't vibrate anywhere near as much as the 660.. Just very, very different bikes.

Anyway, I'll report back after my first day. I'm trying to decide if I'm going to pull our toy hauler down and stay at the track or just put the bike in our truck and drive it down. Pros/cons to both, I'm just worried that pulling a 45' RV there having no idea how the whole thing "works", I'll be missing stuff I need and/or wind up in a parking situation that I'm not super happy with. Our RV weighs close to 26K, I just have no idea if a track is setup for something like that (shoot, a lot of RV parks aren't!).
Took the XR down to CMP (Carolina Motorsports) to check out the track/parking situation. Took a quick video in case anyone is interested in what it looks like. This was during a motorcycle track day event, so I'm guessing this is what it'll be like when I go down.

Pretty cool! Wasn't too keen on the eyeballs and "flexing" on my bike from some of the other riders, but I guess massive ego/testosterone overload comes with the territory (it certainly did when I was racing motocross, that aspect, coupled with the injuries, was the primary reason I got out of it). Hopefully not too bad or gets toned down a bit when you're actually there to ride.

At the track days I've done (including a few at CMP), while there were usually a few with overactive egos, the vast majority of guys and gals were there just having fun on their bikes and working on skills. I found most happy to help, give advice or just plain chat. Enjoy your time on the track and in the pits!