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Password Change.


New member
Why is the password change function so screwed up?

I attempt to change PW, it says: use account mgmt. Which is a circular reference...

Open User CP
Select Edit Email and Password
Screen appears that says "use Account Management"
Which leads to Edit Email and Password
Which leads to "use Account Management"

Not pretty, or I'm stooooooooopid.:banghead
The entire backend of the site is being updated - I am guessing they have hit a few inevitable potholes.
Having a similar problem with Firefox as of yesterday evening. Can't log into forum or classified area. No problem with IE (Yuck!) at work on my winders box, but from my unix systems (Redhad, Scientific Linux and Kbuntu) with Firefox same as from home with Firefox (under both XP and Ubuntu) it just takes me on a merry-go-round or when I click on login on the forums page it never displays any login page after the first attempt. But I can log into my account page. Weird, but then it IS the interweb, what could be weirder than that? Ha Ha! Hope they fix it soon I don't want to have reinstall IE on the laptop!

Still can't get a login from either Firefox or Opera on any of the systems I've tried, only IE seems to work now to log me in. Very anoying as I don't have IE on my home system being as its a Linux box. any word on when this will be fixed? Whats weird is that I can get to my account page from firefox and Opera. Also can't renew my membership from the accounts page, says I don't have any dues due but I know I dew (do)! :lol

I use firefox and am having no problems with any of it.

Don't know what is going on.
just found this thread after sending an email to knary. It seems yesterday my password was eliminated. I hit forgot password and the whole circular loop thing started. Both with my iphone and firefox. I can log on now with my temporary password on firefox but not on my iphone.
My login name and password have been changed. Hit the forgot password button and the site e-mailed some messed up thing I'd never seen. What's going on?
There is a new software package that has been downloaded for the whole site. There appear to be some teething problems which Knary (our softwear guy) and the folks in the office are working on. I know it is a pain now but once the wrinkles are ironed out, it should make everything on the BMW MOA web site much more secure. Please be patient through this process and hold off on making any username or password changes untill it's all set.
login info

I just had a nice chat with Jeff Betz MOA IT guy. I haven't been able to get on the moa site at all for about 10 days. Apparently the new software needs a direct cookie connection-my words- to function properly. I am running Foxfire and in the tools-options at the top anybody else who may be having trouble can either enable all cookies or just selected cookies. Looks like I'm good to go. Thanks Jeff :thumb:
I actually had to clear my old cookies for the site from my Firefox and IE browsers, once I did that I was able to login again.

There are indeed teething problems. The login system is entirely new and, all in all, far better than the previous. We're 99% there. With a few tweaks it should be very transparent for the user - especially as cookie/cache issues evaporate.
Yes, its the little things

I actually had to clear my old cookies for the site from my Firefox and IE browsers, once I did that I was able to login again.


From what I learned today, hopefully it will help others. It's easy to get fouled up,- like trying to login somewhere and not realizing you have hit the caps lock!!!!:bottle
Last edited:
There was a problem updating your password.
There was a problem updating your password.
There was a problem updating your password.

Yep, still unable to change my password. The new screen is cool, though.
There was a problem updating your password.
There was a problem updating your password.
There was a problem updating your password.

Yep, still unable to change my password. The new screen is cool, though.

Please contact the office at (636)394-7277

This is not a problem with the forum or general site software and you will not, unfortunately, find resolution here.