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I was looking for an old thread..


100,000+ miler
..on the "Member Opportunities" board. There were 13 threads there, but not the one I was looking for. The board shows only one page.

I used the "search this forum" feature using a key word, and the thread I was looking for was found. Why didn't it show up otherwise?
If you don't mind, could you provide the exact word(s) you used to search? At first thought, I would expect that either search should have returned the results you wanted provided when you did the first search and got the 13 hits, you were using the Advanced version of the search where you can limit where the search tool looks. If you limited the search to only Member Opportunities, I would have thought that would have returned the same hits as the Search This Forum approach while in the Member Opportunities forum.
You might also try the "Search" between "New Posts" and "Quick Links". It's worked well for me.
I believe you are running into a default value that is set in your User CP (link just below the MOA roundel on every page). If you visit your control panel and select Edit Options, on the left side, and then scroll down to Default Thread Age Cut Off, I believe that it defaults to the last month or so. Change it to include everything and save it.
Default Thread Age Cut Off, I believe that it defaults to the last month or so.

Mine was set to the forum default. I tried a search for something which got me 199 hits all the way back to 2003. I changed the setting to display all threads and retried the search. I got the same 199 hits.

I think this has to do with displaying threads in the normal view...how many pages can one go back with normal scrolling. Looks like it doesn't have anything to do with how many pages of matches will be allowed as a result of a search. At least that's what it looks like from my experiment.
I believe you are running into a default value that is set in your User CP (link just below the MOA roundel on every page). If you visit your control panel and select Edit Options, on the left side, and then scroll down to Default Thread Age Cut Off, I believe that it defaults to the last month or so. Change it to include everything and save it.

Thanks Darryl. That solved it. I was on the forum default which cuts off the old threads. I can see a couple of pages on that board now.