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Does this airhead make me an airhead?

In the words of Charlie Brown, "I'm DOOMED!" Stay tooned!


I'm sure with the holidays and other projects on your hands you probably have had little time to even think about the bike, let alone work on it or post about it.

It's been a while since I checked the thread, and only today did I catch up to the ferrous metal fragments in the oil pan....Ugh.

If I can offer some unsolicited advice;
Stop now.
If this were your only project it might be different, but it's not.
Even if that were the case, the most you could possibly stand to gain from all the effort is a nice bike to ride, and the experience of doing it. But you're approaching two critical thresholds:
One where you're about to start spending big bucks, and each expense will start being justified by "well I've already spent $XXXX on this, and it's to no benefit if I don't also spend $XXX on this, too".
The other, where it's going to cost you far more than it will ever be worth, and a sale or insurance claim won't recoup near enough to offset it.

I know sentiment goes a long way towards overspending or working too hard on an old bike, car, or other project.
But this is not a classic, no matter what anyone here says, it's just old.
Nor is it something you've been attached to for years or had passed on from somebody special.
You haven't described it as something you've lusted after and always wanted, but as more of a curiosity, and maybe a fun project.
To me, that's three strikes against pressing on.

I've worked on many a project, and took on a couple too many basket cases myself. Some were worth it (my Mustang, my Bultaco, my son's Yamaha DT-1).
Some weren't (the Triumph, the Suzuki, my wife's chopped Sporty).
I learned that some of them were best left in baskets.

Part the thing out, sell it as is, or carefully "pickle" it for a few years until there's less on your plate. Press on with your house and the Harley.
Buy a good running bike, any make, any model, and just get out and ride whenever you need a break from working on stuff.

Again, just my advice, based on your project moving from in-depth TLC to ressurrecting the dead.
I am for ripping up the DNR and pressing ahead, but it's your money and only our entertainment. Best of luck though.
my semi-solicited advise is to start posting parts for sale on eBay.
there is not enough good in this bike to make it worth the time, effort and expense (tee) to attempt a resurrection.
viable airhead projects can be found that will actually be worth something once completed- this one never will be worth anything close to what you will have to dump into it to make it roadworthy.
tho an attractive color scheme, it is not a special bike by any means, and max value will only be in the vicinity of $3000. your upcoming bills, combined with original cost, will easily surpass that amount, with no value given to your labor. will you end up with a nice bike? possibly/probably. could you have gotten something better for less tee? undoubtedly!
sell the parts, or keep them for your good project, but this one is a sinkhole, just waiting to swallow you up!
lonelobo, this newbie has followed your thread from the outset. Now I'm a member and can post, but alas, your thread is now doing what you said it would probably never do, die.:cry
Please write the final chapter on the Renegade saga and share it with us.
Thanks, Steve
Haven't given up yet

Well, let me just say that I have been diverted by a major garage remodel in addition to my kitchen remodel duty plus work plus the holidays plus plus plus. I am deeply appreciative of all the good advice...and completely suspicious of the cavalier bad advice (You know who you are, you vicarious scoundrels you!)

Sometime after the holidays I will pull the top end apart to see what's actually disentegrating. That costs me nothing, save the gas to borrow a couple of specialized tools, if I can find a local airhead to lend them to me. Then it's a looksee with a squenched brow with some appropriate hillbilly head scratchin and countin on fingers and cogitatin on toes to figure out the torture to pleasure ratio.

Just so that nobody thinks that there's no rest for the wicked Lobo, I DID get a chance to hunt pheasant in a blizzard with 40mph sustained winds and 2 degree windchill. Absolutely the most memorable hunting of my life and a great short vacation. Plus, my vintage Marantz Model 5 vacuum tube amps just arrived from being restored by a true vacuum tube guru(waiting list of 8 months). These are very esoteric audiophile rarities that fell into my lap several years ago for a song. So when the Renegade's ability to funk me out gets oppressive, I crank up Brave Combo on an audio system that resembles the guitar amp scene in the 1st "Back to the Future" film. Shakes the cement slab and makes weak women run. Now...where is my vinyl copy of "Waiting for Columbus"?

Definitely more to come next year...who will be the first to blink.....stay tuned.

And have a seriously great holiday. Take care to appreciate the time you spend with loved ones. Make yourself aware that your experience THIS season is unique...next year the planet will be missing some of us and others who are not here now will be entangling themselves into our hearts. THIS time is precious so notice the souls that surround you and that YOU surround!
Hooray!! It's not dead! It's not the final chapter.

Lonelobo, I fully understand your time challenges, I face them regularly as well.
I'm glad you and the Renegade are still around. As you could tell, there were many members who enjoyed your thread. I especially liked your command of the english language.
Keep it going, keep it posted.
And have a great Xmas yourself.


Now if you could just make those weak women run north.
Now if you could just make those weak women run north.[/QUOTE]

To the frozen North? They can stop in almost frozen CT!
Weak women have arrived intact in Boston, confirmed.

Currently in bed, hanging from rafters, etc. All well, women fully serviced and content and purring in afterglow, but all awaiting news of Renegade....stop....
1st wave of toothless women safe at last

Thanks for taking in that 1st wave of weak women. Advise as to where to send their dentures, wheelchairs, and Depends. Stop. :bolt
I read this a while ago but, what an incredible fun thread, just love the fun sarcastic way you tell the story :lurk
The Renegade is Restless

Just when I thought the Renegade Fan mail had stopped I see that some of you could not leave well enough alone. Today I went out to my garage to rip a couple of pieces of plywood for a house repair and I swear someone or some"thing" was watching me. Whenever I turned around to see who it was, there were only 2 pathetic motorcycles there. But then, I noticed that several of the tools that had been on the Superglide were decidedly closer to the Renegade. The oil pan that I swear was on top of the speaker I'm rebuilding was under the Renegade's engine with a single drop of fresh oil....DEAD CENTER!@ WHAT tha fffffffflk Then I found a guy on the Boxerworks forum with the exact same metal flakes in his oil pan. Somthin tells me all this is not coincidence Lucy. Anybody got a spare crank?
renegade, come HOME...
yeah renegade...ya GOTTA love that. this is a bike that has OBVIOUSLY been CARED for... i mean who would take a soldering iron and carve on anything he DIDN'T love? or spend ALL THAT MONEY on gold stick-on letters from mal wart and aluminum foil? money that COULD'VE been spent on BIKER CRANK or BEER?
yep-peree bobjohnson! THAT, son, is LOVE! and it don't get any better.

so we need to see some recent pix here bro...gawd i hope you haven't wiped out all that PATINA...

oh BTW...does G+[cross]+K carved into the middle of the windshield stand for gesus krist? i mean SOMEBODY'S gotta go in and SAVE this ol boy, don'tcha know...and if gesus his own self can't do it NOBODY will.
that's a SH*TLOAD of weight you took on there, yo. ridin all that LOVE around... i hope you're up to it.
jus sayin

"a love like ours...will never die...as long as i...have you near me..."
john lennon
Anybody got a spare crank?

Please provide information as to where we can donate to the crankshaft fund. I can't give up my spare crank, but I'll give up a few bucks to advance entertainment research.:D I would gladly donate a spare purple Windjammer fairing (includes stereo) to the project.
Renegade loose as a Goose

So it's Memorial Day and I've got time to spare but no cash. So it's off to the garage for some Renegade style entertainment and abuse. I started off trying to determine the condition of the final drive spines through sheer Hillbilly cipherin. I spun the wheel in the direction of travel in high gear till it stopped, put a piece of tape on the rear wheel, held my finger there and rotated said orb freely till the drivetrain stopped it agin goin the tother direction.

Then to measure the distance.

Problem is...this seems like WAY TOO MUCH SLOP. My Hillbilly intuition is tingling...wait, that's not my intuition...my foot's asleep. Where is all this "play" coming from? Just the final drive spline or does the tranny spline contribute as well? I'm not ready to tear into the rear end just yet, as I have my heart set on crushing defeat in the bottom end of the engine. So who can chime in here with the

a) good news
b) bad news
c) irrelevant chatter

I'm way behind in posting and way ahead in destructive motorcicle mechanikin. Stay tuned.