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My rally curse


My trip to Redmond is not going well. As most of you know, Glenlivet and I are driving our Xterra this year so we can explore the backroads of Colorado and Utah while enjoying the tranquility that comes from off the grid dispersed camping. It hasn’t gone well

It started with me coming down with a tummy bug that had me bouncing from restroom to restroom for the first four days and nights. I’m semi-recovered from that at last, but today on CO-149 near Lake City CO my thermostat failed and all my coolant went out the surge fitting. So the 6.5 gallons of potable water I was carrying was used to refill the radiator every 10-15 miles all the way to South Fork where I hoped to find an auto parts store and mechanic. No dice!

We’re in a hotel tonight. I’ll refill all my water jugs and set out tomorrow, 10-15 miles at a time, looking for parts and repair options

Still hoping to see you in Redmond, but clearly the gods have taken issue with me
We have a couple solid offers of places to hole up if needed. And a couple of locals followed us as we limped into town to make sure we made it. Nice folks everywhere!

We took advantage of the morning cold to drive 17 miles to Del Norte, a larger town with more repair options. The first one we stopped at did a thorough inspection and agreed it was likely a stuck thermostat. He also found a few small bits showing their age that needed to be replaced. Parts are in stock locally and they can get us in this afternoon

Things are looking up!
Curse? Curse? We don't need no stinkin curse!

Hope things continue to look up for you!
That's great news. Perhaps it was for the better having to go out when it did rather than really in the middle of nowhere. I'd love to meet up in Redmond, but that may be easier said than done. Enjoy your trip. It looks like you're seeing lots of great scenery.
We had to cut much out of our Mesa Verde NP itinerary when Glenlivet injured his front paw pads jumping out of the truck onto sharp gravel. I cleaned and bandaged his paws and we stayed in a hotel room to let him heal. After a day I ignored his protests and made him wear booties

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Valley of the Gods and Monument Valley today. MV was overly commercialized for my taste, but VoG was awesome! Unfortunately the sandstone valley floor is impervious to tent pegs and the wind-blown sand felt like we were inside a sandblast cabinet. We had to move to a hotel room in Mexican Hat
