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Another scam, by phone this time


I"m presently running an ad in the "wanted section" for a used replacement seat for my 1973 lwb R75/5.

Guy calls me on the phone and says " my dad died and I'm in S California cleaning out his house. He was a Bmw owner and replaced his seat 50 years ago and it has been sitting on the shelf all these years".
I say "oh wow that sounds just like the answer to my add".
I tell him my name is Brian and he says "Mine name is Brian too".
CLICK - I instantly think this guy is full of beans so I play along.
How did you get my info, " from a friend" he said
Oh nice I say, "could you sent a few pictures of the seat"
Ahhhhh! "ok I'll send them and call you back"
Calls back "I'm having a hard time because I have an old G3 phone".
I ask where he lives "I live in Hawaii and only in California to help clean out dads house".
At this point I'm still playing along but set a firm response, " no photos no deal"
I texted him back after a few days, no response, and I haven't heard from him since.

So now the scammers are on the phone so look out.

We never talked price.
He was not a member, a friend told him about me wanting seat. Don't know how he really got my number.
I think anyone can access the ads. I thought only members had access, so watch out for these scammers.

Being aware of scammers is so important these days. I hope this post reminds you all to be careful out there.

Thanks for reading
Sorry to hear of the hassle. But you are right, you don't have to be a member to access the ads. So you need to be aware of what you release in your ad.
Block the number. Often you can report the number as fraudulent and then block the contact. Same for text msg… Remember that all you need to do is hang up.
Yes block and hang up and all that. I guess I was more surprised that non members have access to info from "my club". I am the member, not him. I have always felt that us BMW MOA members were a special cast of characters. Kind off an honest, engineering type of riders. Not to put anyone down but come on, we are not rough riders or barroom bikers. I was disappointed that a lying person called on the phone and was messing with me. And I really wanted to believe him and buy that seat. So I go from excitement to thinking this guy is just another scumbag. Not a feeling I enjoy, I do not like people who take advantage of others.

As they used to say"you learn something new everyday"

So now I have to worry about Scammers on the Bmw Marketplace. I never worried before, and have bought many items on this marketplace, but now I have learned to be more careful.

I miss the old days of, cash, handshake, and face to face transactions.

Thanks for reading and as everyone says "be careful"

Trying to sell anything on-line these days is a great way to find low-lifes, scammers, deceitful liars and time wasters. It took me 9 months and a half - dozen or more tries to sell my Vincent.
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