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Are you going to Hamburg ? Where are you coming from ?

Wofford Heights, CA 2757 miles.

I haven't ridden upstate NY since 2002.

Looking forward to the ride there and back.
I'll be going up early as well Monday. Slabbing it the whole way breaking it up in two legs about 8 hours a day hotel in Louisville and one around Hamburg so I won't be setting up a tent after being in the saddle all day. I'm looking over the route now, starting to nug out a plan.

I haven't figured out my plans yet. I'm still working on a June trip to Harrisburg, PA for a BK Conference. I think I'll BR Parkway/Skyline Drive that one. Seems like whenever I head north I'm in a hurry and fly up and down I-81. Time to slow down and enjoy life.
In a word , No . I've had a total shoulder replacement , so motorcycle riding is out for a while. Maybe next year .

That is a serious bummer. If you really wanted to go you could drive a car and hotel it, I wouldn't tell no one. Drink beer and enjoy the concert, make up a cool war story about a wicked twistie on a mountain road regarding your injury. Your secrets safe with me, and well, maybe everyone on this public forum.
Buffalo, MN

I am coming from Buffalo, MN on my Yamaha 2005 FJR. After the rally I am off to Saranac Lake and Lake Placid to visit friends. Then heading south to visit family in Albany NY, Southern Connecticut and NYC before finding my way back to Minnesota. Looking forward to meeting friends from Virginia at the Rally!
Boston to Hamburg

My fried and I will be leaving on 7/15 and returning 7/17 with gsadv15!
Anybody else wants to coming along????? More the welcome!🏍🇺🇸🇧🇷🏍🇺🇸🇧🇷🏍🇺🇸🇧🇷🏍🇺🇸🇧🇷🏍🇺🇸🇧🇷
What a summer- my new r1200gsw should be ready for pick up at the dealer next week. I'll be attending (my first) rally, coming from Highlands, NC, then setting off for a 2 1/2 week trip around the Great Lakes. Yeah, I'm pretty excited.
Are you taking the Blue Ridge Parkway?

Day one is 500 miles to meet a friend in VA, so I'll be slabbing it. I am lucky in living 45 minutes from the BRP so I ride it a lot. (First time riding the parkway I stopped half way up and called my wife and told her this is where I want my ashes spread when the time comes.)
Highlands, NC

I'll be attending (my first) rally, coming from Highlands, NC, then setting off for a 2 1/2 week trip around the Great Lakes. Yeah, I'm pretty excited.

Nice! That'll be a great trip around the lakes and I'm sure you'll have a blast at das Rally. I'm pretty excited about it too.

BTW, love your back yard "playground" and local roads. I just happen to be staying near Cashiers this week and came through Highlands yesterday. US-64 is a fun ride and there are so many more great roads around here. Although I consider myself lucky to live near the north end of the Blue Ridge Parkway with some really nice local rides, the twisties near Highlands are beyond compare, as is the southern hospitality. :thumb

Nice! That'll be a great trip around the lakes and I'm sure you'll have a blast at das Rally. I'm pretty excited about it too.

BTW, love your back yard "playground" and local roads. I just happen to be staying near Cashiers this week and came through Highlands yesterday. US-64 is a fun ride and there are so many more great roads around here. Although I consider myself lucky to live near the north end of the Blue Ridge Parkway with some really nice local rides, the twisties near Highlands are beyond compare, as is the southern hospitality. :thumb


Motorcycle heaven! Love RT 28 between Walhalla, GA and Fontana Dam (Moonshiner 28)
With me focusing so much attention on Barley while he was ill, poor Tulliver's training plan is on the fast track. Even so, we probably won't have time in the schedule for any overnight trips before the rally. So to keep it fun for him, I'll break the 500 miles into two easy days with plenty of stops in fun spots. We'll cross Lake Champlain at the Charlotte-Essex ferry, loop around Tupper Lake so he can play in the water, then pass thru the Adirondacks and stop for the night in Utica NY. The next day we'll drop down to US 20 and take it across the top of the Finger Lakes all the way to Hamburg. Will toss in a day trip from the rally to Niagara Falls.

Hoping to see old friends and put some faces to our online friends!

Pete and Tulliver

Coming from the Atlanta 'burbs, leaving the Saturday before and not sure yet what I wanna do on the way. Definitely want to burn northward as much as possible on Day 1, then from there is where it's TBD. Should be fun! Haven't been to the rally since 2009 so I'm REALLY looking forward to it!
My partner and I are coming from Red Rock Texas - just southeast of Austin.
We are hoping to trailer our bikes from Texas to Cherokee, N.C. (past rallies we rode out of and into Texas in July/August - the heat about killed us!). Does anyone know of a place that we can store our truck & trailer for 3-4 weeks? If not in Cherokee, someplace close by? We plan to motorcycle camp through the Blue Ridge Parkway on our way to Hamburg.