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Are you going to Hamburg ? Where are you coming from ?

My first time

Really looking forward to attending my first rally. Riding up early from Dublin, Pa (Bucks County) to help set up and have already volunteered for the first aid squad and clean up crew. The really fun part is I will be camping.
Cape Cod via Adirondacks

Hope to ride 1100GS from E Falmouth, Cape Cod. Probably side trip on way there or back through Adirondack National Park. Also side trip to Essex Jct, relatives, near Burlington. May camp or motels on trip. I haven't done long rides, 200-300 miles a day? May trailer bike to VT with wife and ride rest solo.
My trip to DAS RALLY

Driving a 1993 R100RT from Beaufort, NC. Route not decided yet. I really like I-95 to DC then 83 and 81 and then head W in Binghamton. My bike is a great mile eater. It will be about 800 miles for me.
See you there!
Campbell Tellman II :thumb
Driving a 1993 R100RT from Beaufort, NC. Route not decided yet. I really like I-95 to DC then 83 and 81 and then head W in Binghamton. My bike is a great mile eater. It will be about 800 miles for me.
See you there!
Campbell Tellman II :thumb

Shorter trip if you go Harrisburg, PA, then Williamsport, PA, and up US 15 (will become I-99) to Corning, NY, then west.

Driving a 1993 R100RT from Beaufort, NC. Route not decided yet. I really like I-95 to DC then 83 and 81 and then head W in Binghamton. My bike is a great mile eater. It will be about 800 miles for me.
See you there!
Campbell Tellman II :thumb

Try US322W from Harrisburg, PA to I-80W at Clearfield. At Dubois, PA, take US219N to Buffalo (Hamburg).
Go West [to go north] Young Man

Try US322W from Harrisburg, PA to I-80W at Clearfield. At Dubois, PA, take US219N to Buffalo (Hamburg).

That's a pretty good route along the Juniata River once you cross the Susquehanna at Clark's Ferry a few miles northwest of Harrisburg.

Another idea: You could head west on I-64 at Richmond, then pick up US-522 north to completely avoid DC traffic.

"I really like I-95 to DC..."

Wow! Can't say I've ever heard anyone say "I-95 to DC" and "like" in the same sentence before. :scratch

If I were heading to Hamburg, NY from Beaufort, NC (or anywhere south of Richmond), I'd avoid I-95, I-83, and I-81 at all cost. But, that's just me. Much better riding and scenery west of I-95, IMHO.

Wow! Can't say I've ever heard anyone say "I-95 to DC" and "like" in the same sentence before. :scratch

Two weeks ago, I had a DC resident tell me he could make DC to Boston in 7hrs on I-95. Two days before, it took me 1-hr to get from Gaithersburg, MD to Bethesda MD on I-270 at 10AM?? I can only assume some folks use time or inter-dimensional modes of travel.
Two weeks ago, I had a DC resident tell me he could make DC to Boston in 7hrs on I-95. Two days before, it took me 1-hr to get from Gaithersburg, MD to Bethesda MD on I-270 at 10AM?? I can only assume some folks use time or inter-dimensional modes of travel.

Touratech sells that module now.
Time Travel

My understanding they also market flux capacitors for DeLoreans.

Indeed, and rumor has it there will be demo rides on BMW's new FC1900GS-AX "200th Anniversary Edition" at the upcoming MOA rally. Don't miss this opportunity to ride the stunning next generation GS Adventure eXplorer--fully equipped with flux capacitor drive, "vollständig kontrollierte" auto-ride mode, fall-down assist, mud simulator, and of course Touratech's latest innovations including their anti-gravity hill-climb assist skid plate and space-time modulator auxiliary lighting!

Registration for limited demo rides will begin at 8:00p.m. sharp on Friday, July 15th, 2011 next to the beer tent at the MOA Rally in Bloomsburg. Immediately following the "Patagonia in 15 Minutes" seminar on Sunday and GS-X rides on Saturday, there will be a parade of flux capacitor equipped DeLoreans shooting super-heated plasma into the crowd. :doh

Note to self: Buy extra ice for Bloomsburg rally next week. :brow

Indeed, and rumor has it there will be demo rides on BMW's new FC1900GS-AX "200th Anniversary Edition" at the upcoming MOA rally. Don't miss this opportunity to ride the stunning next generation GS Adventure eXplorer--fully equipped with flux capacitor drive, "vollständig kontrollierte" auto-ride mode, fall-down assist, mud simulator, and of course Touratech's latest innovations including their anti-gravity hill-climb assist skid plate and space-time modulator auxiliary lighting!

Remember when this was a serious trailbike?

Was just down there yesterday at the dealership test riding the gold 2016 RT. will be headed to the rally from Enterprise. I'm sure I'll see you on the road there and back as I am 2 hours noth east of Pensacola.

My first BMW Rally... and I was "drafted" to co-chair security so I'll be up there early. If you see me rolling along say hello. I'll be handling the "eve shift."
My first BMW Rally... and I was "drafted" to co-chair security so I'll be up there early. If you see me rolling along say hello. I'll be handling the "eve shift."

I'll be going up early as well Monday. Slabbing it the whole way breaking it up in two legs about 8 hours a day hotel in Louisville and one around Hamburg so I won't be setting up a tent after being in the saddle all day. I'm looking over the route now, starting to nug out a plan.