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Fuel strip poll

Have you had at least ONE fuel strip fail?

  • Total voters
Dunno, so I went to RealOEM to find out:
'03 R1200GS - same thing, only a fuel strip: http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts...98&hg=16&fg=14

Same on the 06/'06 GS, and the 06/'06 GSA.

RealOEM says the part number for "Fuel pump unit with lever sensor" on my '05 GS is 16 14 7 684 348. Looking for that part number RealOEM says it was used on the "GS 04" and "GS Adve. 06" models. Looking at 06/'06 GSA. I see a picture of the strip, but the table gives two options: the above part for "On-board computer = No" and a different fuel pump plus the strip sensor for bikes with the OBC.

The bike gives a countdown to out of gas when you get to approx 1 liter of gas left in the tank with the float/lever sensor, too.
R1200RT No fuel strip issues (Yet??)

2006 R1200RT with no issues with fuel strip so far. Got my fingers crossed.
07 R1200RT, On my third strip which has failed. I am not going to have it replaced on my dime, will use odometer. So much for German engineering :banghead
Has anyone out there had as many failures as I have Had? (installing #7 tomorrow) I seem to have the most and I wish I knew why. 24,000 Miles--always stored indoors--72 years old--easy rider.?????

All strips have been installed at BMW motorcycle dealers.

Has anyone out there had as many failures as I have Had? (installing #7 tomorrow) I seem to have the most and I wish I knew why. 24,000 Miles--always stored indoors--72 years old--easy rider.?????

All strips have been installed at BMW motorcycle dealers.


Jack - year/model?
If we can go back and re-vote for multiple fuel strip failures, please provide instructions...

Unfortunately - it appears one can't change their vote after voting. Doggone V-Bulletin.. at least I can't see how (I believe on some other VB forums I belong to - one can change their vote after voting..)
Has anyone out there had as many failures as I have Had? (installing #7 tomorrow) I seem to have the most and I wish I knew why.

Cheap Tucson Gas????

I have a house there. Now that I think of it, two of mine went south after I gassed in Tucson and headed back to NM.!!.

That must be it - don't fuel in Tucson and the problem is solved...:dance
No failures

No fuel strip failures . . . 2011 R1200GS Adv 7200 miles. Touching wood now but I have had no issues with any of my 3 BMWs (except self inflicted)
One at around 18k on the clock, but was already past the 3 year warranty on my 08RT. Dealer made good on it. Not sure what will happen if it fails again. Now have about 28k on my bike with no new fuel strip issues.