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Welcome to Online Central

Rob Nye

Ritalin Poster Boy
Welcome to Online Central, a new forum for discussion of the 'MOA web efforts.

As you may be aware we are in the process of updating and enhancing our website. From the introduction of the forum to the addition of security there is much going on behind the scenes. We have set up this new forum to solicit feedback as well as new ideas for site content from our users.

As always if you have any questions feel free to ask.


Rob Nye
Secretary BMW MOA

Greg Feeler
Director BMW MOA
Chairman, Communications and Marketing Committee
For those of your who may not know, we are planning on splitting the current BMW MOA web site into "members" and "non-members" sections at some future point. There are many reasons for this move, but one of the primary is it helps provide the right environment for greatly enhanced content available to paid members - just like the Owners News.

Generating new content takes some time and effort to support and gather, so it follows we'd like to discuss this area in some detail well in advance. The "web team" has developed many good ideas which we'll soon share here for your feedback. However, general member input and suggestions is keenly desired! You never know where the next best idea will come from.

Just remember that as a volunteer organization, our "wish list" only comes true when someone takes on that task. So what we discuss here can not be considered a promise of anything more than a good effort to find some way or someone to make it happen. Natually, qualified volunteer offers are more than welcome!.
A thought I keep having is that when the Forums are revamped, set up a general maintenance forum for non-model specific types of questions.

For example, I have a brake fluid question that could apply to all models. For now, it is going on the K forum. But I know that putting it on the K forum may mean it is overlooked by an R rider who has my answer.

Just a thought.

And thanks for all your work. It is appreciated.
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Another thought on the forum..... Is there a way you can post a small personal photo of yourself in the profile? It would be kind of cool to see who you are conversing with, and by clicking on someone's profile you could also bring up their photo (assuming they want it there). Just a thought.

Kind of like this ugly guy....... :D


  • dadavatar.jpg
    26.5 KB · Views: 1,502
Post Articles from BMW ON

It would be nice if an archive of BMW ON articles could be available on the website. Since you have a plan to split off member and non-member areas of the site, you could put full archives of current and past BMW ON issues in the member area, and some select articles in the non-member area to convince non-members to join.

I love getting my BMW ON magazine every month, but would love the flexibility to read it online as well.
Personally, I'd love to see that too, but I believe there are some issues with the ownership rights of the articles.

Hey pmdave! How 'bout it? You own a ton of content that would be awesome to have up there.

I'd like to see the repair articles with the step by step instructions up there too. Print them out, take them out to the garage, get them all icky and then toss them out.
Just an infogram on logging in: if you request a function that requires login (and you do so), the root forum shows you as logged in but no option to logout. If you then login, it welcomes you in (as though fresh) & now has the logout option. This occurred on a direct email from me, now I'll see if "Post Reply" does it too. TNX <<<)))
Nope, "Post Reply" is OK: has you Really logged in. <<<)))
A thought on splitting the forums from a new member.

I have found that the $32 per year is real cheap nation wide mechanic advice service. Problem I have is that I am computer illiterate or as the Local BMW shop has explained to me. PICNIC (Problem in chair, Not in the computer :) )

Enough about me.

One of the above e-mails was about generic questions. Will the search by screen look at all posts or just Air-heads, Oil-heads or K's?

2) How long are postings kept active? I currently purchased an 85 beamer my first and posted a question on forums about power loss. At first I was worried that the first response would be hey idiot look over here. Don't know if there is any way to indicate this to new members.

3) Keep up the great work!!! :thumb


P.S. Spell check would be a great addition for those of us typographical challenged.
roy said:
A thought on splitting the forums from a new member.

I have found that the $32 per year is real cheap nation wide mechanic advice service. Problem I have is that I am computer illiterate or as the Local BMW shop has explained to me. PICNIC (Problem in chair, Not in the computer :) )

You may want to check out the How Do I section located at http://forums.forums.bmwmoa.orgdisplay.php?f=18

One of the above e-mails was about generic questions. Will the search by screen look at all posts or just Air-heads, Oil-heads or K's?

You can decide what forum you want it to search, by default it does the forum you are in at the moment.

2) How long are postings kept active? I currently purchased an 85 beamer my first and posted a question on forums about power loss. At first I was worried that the first response would be hey idiot look over here. Don't know if there is any way to indicate this to new members.

We haven't defined a pruning cycle, so at the moment you can search as far back as the forum goes.

Feel free to ask questions and have some fun here :thumb
Just my 2 cents

I have a few suggestions.

1 The fine series of articles that is running in the ON about airheads would be nice in some form on the website

2 The same could be said about the Profecient Riding stories by David Hough

3 A photo section submitted by members similar to what many online digital photo sites has...check out www.photographyblog.com the gallery section for an example.

4 Do I get a coffee cup?
Who is dragging their feet?

Greg Feeler said:
For those of your who may not know, we are planning on splitting the current BMW MOA web site into "members" and "non-members" sections at some future point. There are many reasons for this move, but one of the primary is it helps provide the right environment for greatly enhanced content available to paid members - just like the Owners News.

Generating new content takes some time and effort to support and gather, so it follows we'd like to discuss this area in some detail well in advance. The "web team" has developed many good ideas which we'll soon share here for your feedback. However, general member input and suggestions is keenly desired! You never know where the next best idea will come from.

Just remember that as a volunteer organization, our "wish list" only comes true when someone takes on that task. So what we discuss here can not be considered a promise of anything more than a good effort to find some way or someone to make it happen. Natually, qualified volunteer offers are more than welcome!.

Hey Greg, I found this post browsing this morning. It is almost 5 months since we were promised the split and new content. Please explain the holdup, and could you be specific as to why it hasn't happened yet? Is it software? or is it just politics?
It's the log in scheme. We're looking at integrating the forum log in and the site log in into one and it's proving to be difficult.

After that it's easy. That's the hold up.
What he said.

KBasa said:
It's the log in scheme. We're looking at integrating the forum log in and the site log in into one and it's proving to be difficult.

After that it's easy. That's the hold up.

What Dave said. To get the forum & members-only site sections to validate off the in-house member database is proving to be a nasty trick. But, it's being worked on.
Greg Feeler said:
What Dave said. To get the forum & members-only site sections to validate off the in-house member database is proving to be a nasty trick. But, it's being worked on.

I find that sometimes shaking it and slapping it around works pretty good, if conventional means are ineffective. Is it posible to have two tiers of sign in? regular non member and then a secondary sign in? I wouldnt mind that, and if it made things easier I am all for that route.
Greg Feeler said:
What Dave said. To get the forum & members-only site sections to validate off the in-house member database is proving to be a nasty trick. But, it's being worked on.

I held a meeting with the code vendor that you all selected... back in June of 2003. I showed him the forum, told him about the unified log-in/authentication requirement, and showed him, Ray and Sandee the use-case flowchart that I whipped up to at least illustrate the requirment.

Also had a good friend explore several different methods of having an electronic membership card. Getting that crap to work cross platform is a huge pita.

The code vendor seemed to think that a cold fusion process would do the trick. That was two years ago... whatever happened?
