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Pre-purchase Test Rides

I contacted a local dealer regarding a potential purchase of a new BMW bike. They are a multi brand dealer and have a decent assortment of new BMW's but not the specific model I was interested in, that being an F700GS. They advised that they could locate one for me if I were a serious buyer, (don't know? I've owned over 20 bikes in my 50 yr riding career, including 9 BMW's) I told them I was serious, but I wasn't going to order a bike without seeing it and going for a test ride. The sales guy is a very nice, and knowledgeable professional, who then advised me that they do not allow any pre-purchase test rides on BMW bikes.

On Long Island, here in NY, it is an issue with having to carry insurance to cover the liability. The Dealers simply do not want to be involved with the many, many, many riders that (used to) come in for test rides, beat on the machines, and walk away.

The exception to that is HD, Ducati, & BMW. I think HD is it's own world that I try my best to keep away from. As for Ducati & BMW - I believe they know if you ride one, you will buy one. Hey, I have! :dance

Anything else, I have to go to CT to test ride. There, you fill out the forms, show your credentials, and ride away - bring gas money.:wave
Recent test rides have been Kawasaki, Yamaha, MotoGuzzi, and my next bike, Triumph. All thanks to CT dealers. If I was getting the MG, I would get it from the CT dealer. But I have decided to get the Triumph. Unfortunately, they decided to rescind the initial offer price and so I will most likely order on here on the Isle and be just as happy. I thank them just the same as the bottom-line is: No matter how much I read and talk to people about a specific bike or bikes, I could not purchase a bike I have not ridden. Period. End of the story.
On Long Island, here in NY, it is an issue with having to carry insurance to cover the liability. The Dealers simply do not want to be involved with the many, many, many riders that (used to) come in for test rides, beat on the machines, and walk away.

The exception to that is HD, Ducati, & BMW. I think HD is it's own world that I try my best to keep away from. As for Ducati & BMW - I believe they know if you ride one, you will buy one. Hey, I have! :dance

Anything else, I have to go to CT to test ride. There, you fill out the forms, show your credentials, and ride away - bring gas money.:wave
Recent test rides have been Kawasaki, Yamaha, MotoGuzzi, and my next bike, Triumph. All thanks to CT dealers. If I was getting the MG, I would get it from the CT dealer. But I have decided to get the Triumph. Unfortunately, they decided to rescind the initial offer price and so I will most likely order on here on the Isle and be just as happy. I thank them just the same as the bottom-line is: No matter how much I read and talk to people about a specific bike or bikes, I could not purchase a bike I have not ridden. Period. End of the story.

I would agree. Lived on LI for 40 years and never got a test ride for a new bike. Because of that, I'd feel free to low ball the salesmen. It wasn't until I moved away and could afford a BMW that I bought one. My chiropractor on LI rode them for years and I was always interested in getting one, based on his stories and opinions. When i was going to get a BMW, he offered to sell me his R1100RT. I wish I bought it as he passed away not long after. Anyway, I ended up buying what I bought and they let me test ride it as I liked. I had to put gas in it to get it back to the dealer. Previously, I had test rode an Ultra at a HD dealer and I had to follow the salesman for a 4 mile ride. WTF. They were like, you can rent it for a day if you're interested. Thank you no. Turned me off. If you let someone test ride a bike, it'll sell itself if it's worth it.
Like T6 and Mark H say - Charles and David at Long Beach run a great shop. They offered a neighbor of mine to take a K16 home for the weekend - yep, he bought it, and one of his Harleys is now for sale.

Another neighbor (also an HD rider) tested an R1200RT for a several hours (he was quite tempted; one of the things he told me was that it was so much easier to ride!), but was turned off by the vibration in the handlebars.