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MOAL 2nd Sat R-2-E, 9-9-23.


Phil and Karen successfully tested my wandering route from HSV to Jasper Highlands where the Top of the Rock Restaurant and Brewery resides 800’ above Kimball, TN [ N35 03.369’ W85 41.262’ ].
>> "https://topoftherockbrewery.com/" <<

My route took us on some biker-friendly roads and several we’ve never visited in my 20-some AlaBeemer Second Saturday Rides-to-Eat as the grand Poobah & ride honcho. We rode about 100 miles in 2.5 hours; the weather was Very Favorable for the 17th of August in Alabama. All roads were paved, but some were certainly old and in disrepair. One interesting and technically challenging section dropped from the North Alabama plateau at 1,440’ down into the Tennessee River valley at ~660’ and it had 11 very tight switchback turns. Not recommended for any chrome-covered Low Rider V-twins or any beginner motorcyclists! This was along Jackson County Rd-39 [ N34 50.106’ W85 58.179’ ] east of Skyline, AL.


To make it even more challenging, the uphill route to the gated community on the Top of the Rock, a modest string of cars, trucks, and BMWs trailed a lumbering cement truck uphill at maybe 5 mph in Low Gear. My 6-banger was experiencing a severe overheating situation with hardly any airflow… We were finally rewarded with a beautiful restaurant with lots of outdoor seating with a hazy overview of the Tennessee River valley.

So it passed my test for a worthwhile rendezvous location, even if we have to cross a state line. That said, I’ve led two rides north to Tullahoma and another westward to Corinth, MS so we do like to take new gastronomical adventures when possible (google slugburger). TOTR opens at 1000 on Saturdays; I hope we’ll get there just after 1100 AM if anyone is up for a personal Ride to Eat in a car or M/C! We call it the 2nd Saturday Ride so check your calendars. On my Arizona Highways calendar, that equates to 9/9/23.

Entrance to das restaurant

Uphill roadway with Dodge truck lumbering on both sides of the Double Yellow.

A Triumph-XC & an 850 Guzzi parked next to our Beemers; no we didn’t manage to connect...

The northern-AlaBeemers will depart the Blue Plate Cafe on Governor’s Drive ~0830 on Saturday, for those considering the proposition...
Here is my GPS export for your consideration.

View attachment Sept-23-R2E.GPX

Happy Trails whenever U can - Ciao!
HSV-Phil & HSV-Karen
USAF-Ret'd — & — USN-Ret’d

'75 R90S ————— '82 R100CS
’09 KLX250S ——— ’08 CRF230L
'14 K-GT ————— '16 R1200RS
’05 Vespa 200L
Okay Ian,

Thanx for your suggestion; eMail sent to Wes Fleming up at the HQs, Digital Tech Support Level.

Appreciate your confidence in my route development. :thumb

Ciao! HSV-Phil with my pardner in crime, Mrs K
Phil - if I am not mistaken, Ray Tubbs put the RWGPS group together.

It would be great if we could center on one app to share MOA routes. If there is one thing I know about MOA members is that they have great routes to share… but everything is so uncoordinated and spread to the winds. :ha

There are about 50 or so rides listed, it would be great to see others add some.

I’m sure they will work out the appropriate “app” eventually, Vis. Ray Tubbs, the former Regional Coordinator is hanging up his spurs. U could volunteer (if U weren’t so busy yourself touring the known universe! :laugh

The 2nd Saturday R2E was successfully completed on time and with no Unforced Errors {especially in the CR-39 twisties}!

Phil & Karen led five other "North Alabama Vintage Biker" dudes some 101 miles from the Blue Plate Cafe (of course Jim gets extra BackPats for riding up to HSV from Pelham in order to participate on the MOAL back-country ride. He seemed well pleased - with the ride & his Lunch. The group also had a Long Wait near the Tennessee border, near the town of Bryant, for two L-O-N-G freight trains to pass by. It added to the ADVenture Quotient, but it wasn’t an issue on our Test Ride... The food was well received; I very much enjoyed the fish & chips!

Hope to see more smiley faces in October. In my Alabama Back Road Restaurant book, it’s on page 96 in the town of Dora, AL. First tho, P&K must try my yet to be devised Route and to try Their Famous BBQ as well. Stay tuned.

Sláinte! HSV-Phil & HSV-Karen :yum


Jim’s yellow shirt speaks to an autographed M/C racing philosophy...