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So after lots of Delays due to border issues, Mike has my rig in the queue. There are a lot of fine details yet to be done but it is on it's wheels. Let us hope the adventures continue this summer. Alaska or Tuk any one?


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It's been a long time in the planning. Started with this :)


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Some more progress, Mike found an extra pair of Calipers. Makes for a better routing of the brake lines and the bleed procedure. I find that it just looks right.


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Un-like my current rig where the brakes are kind of hidden from view but maybe more protected. Allows me to run a rear wheel and tire combo for a much larger foot print on the ground and less wiggle of a car tire on the rough stuff.


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Some more progress, Mike found an extra pair of Calipers. Makes for a better routing of the brake lines and the bleed procedure. I find that it just looks right.

Is the braking force the same as using two disk?
Is the braking force the same as using two disk?
It feels like it is actually better. Might be the larger tire foot print more than an increase in brake force. Irregardless, there was a lot of work that went into design and building of this set up. Not me of course. Ad Donkers of LBS in the Netherlands.
Mike from LBS-USA is building the second rig for me using pieces built by Ad in the Netherlands
Out and about on the new rig. Found the top
Tower at the top.jpg
Seems to handle just fine. Headin up Fairview.jpg Riding around my old stomping grounds Kobu road.jpg The Nickel Plate mine road Nickel Plate.jpg Got to the top of a side road to find this. they really don't want you going here Top of the side road.jpg Half way up the Nickel plate looking east Heading up.jpg
Hack is looking good and you picked a great day for a ride.
There were a lot more great days from Last Summer. I find it a bit of a pain in the butt to load pictures here but I may take the time. Retired in December so going to be lots more stories to come. First stop of the day.jpg
We’ve had a couple of fifty degree days here lately so getting the itch to get out on the hack. Dirt hack though.
We’ve had a couple of fifty degree days here lately so getting the itch to get out on the hack. Dirt hack though.

We had a beautiful day yesterday, warm, lawn exposed enough to think about spring. Then wham, 4 inches of snow this morning. :doh

As we wait for spring and the latest dump of Snow to melt we might as well get some service done on the new rig
Winter Maintenance.jpg

Cam Timing.jpg

With that out of the way might as well do some fabrication. I could use the truck but what's the point of that

Copy of NSRack.jpg

New bike rack.jpg

In the mean time we might as well enjoy that snow and keep in shape riding two wheels

The Rocky .jpg

Or making the trails nice so we can ride two wheels

The Big Dog.jpg
Mainly because it is not designed to carry a passenger. Cargo only though some one can sit there if the trip is short, like to a pub or some such. I remove the cargo box to make room for the dog.
Does that make sense?

Makes perfect sense. I was thinking it was mainly a cargo hack but the backrest had me wondering.
Good looking rig.
A few from my latest trip IMG_8599.jpeg IMG_8603.jpeg IMG_8639.jpeg IMG_8674.jpeg IMG_8700.jpeg IMG_8707.jpeg IMG_8718.jpeg PXL_20230622_163701094.jpeg PXL_20230622_165450393.jpeg


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