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Just a test...

Actually I think it's the heat. Global warming and all that. We are delirious and showing symptoms of heat stress. Ramblings are a common manifestation.:hungover

:nono Not the heat here in the SF bay area. July is so far on track to have the coldest average temperature ever recorded in San Jose. Places that usually are pushing triple digits are barely hitting 80F. I do wish some of you folks getting the hot weather would send a portion of it this way.
I do wish some of you folks getting the hot weather would send a portion of it this way.

Come on down to the California Mid-State Fair in Paso Robles.... it was a sultry 85??F this afternoon ... temps predicted to be on the way up through the mid 90's this weekend!

Of course it's been foggy as h3ll down here in Pismo until about ten or so... afternoons have been clear, and in the upper 70's. Premium's going for $3.43/gal.
Well, it only took 5 pages and 64 posts before the powers that be noticed us and kicked us out of a forum. I'm wondering though, if there might be some hidden meaning in stuffing us into the software help section.

Are they inferring our mental software needs to be firmer, or our firm wear needs to be...... well, that's a tangent I probably shouldn't follow.

If it makes anyone feel better, the mod who moved us fell into the trap also, by simply clicking in to see what we were up to. Yeah, he moved us, but the taint of our twisted minds should haunt him/her through several years of therapy.
Well, it only took 5 pages and 64 posts before the powers that be noticed us and kicked us out of a forum. I'm wondering though, if there might be some hidden meaning in stuffing us into the software help section.

Are they inferring our mental software needs to be firmer, or our firm wear needs to be...... well, that's a tangent I probably shouldn't follow.

If it makes anyone feel better, the mod who moved us fell into the trap also, by simply clicking in to see what we were up to. Yeah, he moved us, but the taint of our twisted minds should haunt him/her through several years of therapy.

The reason the post was moved was that the subject matter did not specifically pertain to Motorrad topic.

.....and BTW you are not kicked off the forum just relocated.

As other people where actually using it as a test location it was deemed to be moved here for the purpose of test and exploration in the functionality of forum editing tools available to people.
.....and BTW you are not kicked off the forum just relocated.

I took no offense and I understood the reason for the move, :wave it's just my twisted sense of humor typing the words. I have a horrible habit of finding humor in all things. Thanks for looking out for us!
Luis, thanks for taking care of us! We understand and it bothers nobody.
I didn't mean to start such a thread, but it's been fun, and I'm pleased to see that there are so many other "cases" out there!:clap
Paul - no issue with the thread - we have several "fun ones" going on is several forums - Word Association for example in Campfire.

We like to see people get involved and participate - so please continue to contribute and have an enjoyable time doing it.
