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Just a test...

Morning overcast but in the afternoon it will be in the mid 80s,

Still, too bad about that missing boy

There's a bunch of really bored people with nothing better to do than respond to a useless thread.


I have looked in the mirror lately.

No, but I have heard that you see yourself in others though.
...nothing better to do than respond to a useless thread.

Your kidding right...

This is not a useless thread...

I have found out that;

crazydrummerdude is too good...
Bob_M says that Portland has some overcast working...
geisterfahrer might be gritting his teeth alot...
83014 took his Geritol last night and he's feeling good...
ka5ysy has a thing for the Borg (who doesn't... I thot the Queen was HAWT!)...
jforgo has a created a new word (let's all shout "up yer thesaurus")...
wezul is still damned fast...

It's amazing what you learn in these useless threads...

I hafta go now... they want to put me back in my rubber room...
meanwhile, where the heck is the OP Pauls1150 and are his revised settings all he hoped for?

You may not fear the reaper, but in the last days of May you must fear godzilla when he is attacking the City on flame with rock & roll.:twirl

You couldn't find anything about me? This is really depressing to find out that of
all the responders here, I am the most useless. This ruins my whole day.
D. Rudolph, Klamath Falls, Oregon
You may not fear the reaper, but in the last days of May you must fear godzilla when he is attacking the City on flame with rock & roll.:twirl

Not to worry, we will just launch the ME262. ;


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Is this a Pass/Fail test or will there be a follow-up with the grading scale?

Not surprisingly, since this was a trap for those with too much free time on their hands, this was in fact a fail/fail test. The plus side though, is we grade on the bell curve, so the majority of you will fail in the upper ranges of the median percentile, certainly something to clutch to your breast with admiration and wonder, much like the gold star clumsily pasted to your 3rd grade homework. And just as valuable I might add, so don't discount it's importance.

You couldn't find anything about me? This is really depressing to find out that of
all the responders here, I am the most useless. This ruins my whole day.
D. Rudolph, Klamath Falls, Oregon

Oh but Sir, your contribution is not only beneficial to the entire premise of this experiment and setting verification, it is numerically critical, for without your triad of contributions, we would only be at 27 posts at the time of this missive, as opposed to the current (and soon to be updated) 30. Bravo my friend, bravo.
Not surprisingly, since this was a trap for those with too much free time on their hands, this was in fact a fail/fail test. The plus side though, is we grade on the bell curve, so the majority of you will fail in the upper ranges of the median percentile, certainly something to clutch to your breast with admiration and wonder, much like the gold star clumsily pasted to your 3rd grade homework. And just as valuable I might add, so don't discount it's importance.

Oh but Sir, your contribution is not only beneficial to the entire premise of this experiment and setting verification, it is numerically critical, for without your triad of contributions, we would only be at 27 posts at the time of this missive, as opposed to the current (and soon to be updated) 30. Bravo my friend, bravo.

This is statistically significant material.:bow
Not to worry, we will just launch the ME262. ;)

Crazy! I'm sure if we scoured the parts list at realoem.com we could find some part with an abbreviation of E.T.I., and it might even fit on my Black Blade bike. Well, I better sign off for now and go to bed since it is After Dark.
You may not fear the reaper, but in the last days of May you must fear godzilla when he is attacking the City on flame with rock & roll.:twirl

Hey keybuster, are you somehow related to the 7 Screaming Diz-busters?
What does Blue Oyster Cult have to do with account settings anyway?
I'm checking my system settings

Come on! That's what I was going to post!

Hey everyone be quiet for a minute. We are checking our cowbell settings!


  • cowbell.jpg
    5 KB · Views: 92
What does Blue Oyster Cult have to do with account settings anyway?

Why my friend, it was the OP's avatar, which was a symbol used by BOC. Of course that takes this conversation towards an ugly turn, as that was an insidious test within a test, and I'm sorry to say, you...... well, you know.

No problem though, and nothing that can't be rectified. If you could answer a simple question about UMMAGUMMA, then I think we can assume it was merely A Momentary Lapse in Reason, and put this ugly problem behind us like it never happened.