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Harley riders don't ride much.

My new neighbor across the street is a major bigwig at a well known discount mega chain store and a few weeks ago wheeled out a 6 month old CVO Street Glide with 120 miles on it. His house across from me is just one of their vacation houses and I know that $45k Harley will be just sitting in the garage all alone for most of its life. They aren’t there to vacation much so far, but we’ll see this upcoming summer if the Harley gets more road time.

Pretty sad life for a beautiful machine meant to be ridden. He said seeing my R1200ST in my driveway as they were unloading more stuff into their house made him feel guilty about not getting it out more.
I have a high school buddy who had 2 harleys. A 2002 road king and a 2008 ultra classic. Still has the road king with over 100k and the other also had over 100k when he got rid of it. BOTH HAD STOCK EXHAUST !!
My Pan America is 6 months old with over 10,000 miles now so I guess I'm the exception.

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I think the real issue here is personal perception. Most of us know at least 1 (if not several) HD owners that own all the clothes, have all the bling, constantly try to convince the unknowing that they are bikers- and NEVER show up for any rides.

Too hot,cold,cloudy,windy,calm,dark,sunny,etc etc. The truth is- many are terribly under skilled and do not want to get involved in anything other than a 90 minute max straight line ride to some sort of gathering for the rest of the day. When you can name 6 people off the top of your head like this- it's pretty reasonable to stereotype the others. They earned it. Get over it.

I know a few as well. But it doesn't take long to figure that type of person out, and you quickly cease wasting any energy on them. The Victory community had a few, too. However I am in a riding group that includes several HD riders that almost always show up. One of them is a real burner, in fact. Dude throws that full-dresser hog with 2 up around like it's half the size. No small feat when you consider how those bikes are not known for their overall handling prowess. He's an outlier to be sure.

(for reference- Bought my 2014 Victory Judge brand new in Sept. 2013- at the crash June 2021 she had 54k on her)
haha I feel like I posted a pretty well balanced comment. If you cannot see that I will perceive each person on their own merits- (obviously- you are NOT included in what I described above) and you're insulted by what I said- Get over it.
haha I feel like I posted a pretty well balanced comment. If you cannot see that I will perceive each person on their own merits- (obviously- you are NOT included in what I described above) and you're insulted by what I said- Get over it.

Ha I don't know where I fit in your description. The most blingful Harley rider I know is a widow who doesn't like to ride alone and is grateful when a few of us will get together and ride. She is inexperienced but rides well within her ability. I also know a 1%er pledge who is driving his sponsor(?) crazy cause my friend rides everywhere all the time (upstate NY that's no small feat)- last rain sleet ride when his sponsor said I thought we were gonna drive friend said, "I thought we were a MOTORCYCLE club." I am fortunate to have four bikes- so I don't put a lot of miles on any one of them. A guy I play pickleball with has a GSand doesn't ride much (in aggregate) but does day trips of lengths I wouldn't even consider- long!. My son is just a ridin' fool- everywhere. thousands of miles a year. (Harley bagger, 78 CB750 chopper, Triumph scrambler, KLR) he looks the part on every one of them and is a skillful rider- much better than I. Finally, Justin, is kinda dangerous- good friend, but I won't ride with him. My point, if I have one, is that I COULD try to categorize riders but in fact, once we know them, each is different. I DO rankle at stereotypes because it only applies on a very superficial level and never really applies to an individual, and is a kind of prejudgement that hampers friendship and/or knowledge. The idea that if one knows X# of a particular type then generalization is OK ignores the fact that someone else's experience with X# could negate the validity of your X# judgement. Finally, the Harley forum's stereotype of Latte sipping BMWers and the BMW forum stereotyping of pirate dressing low mileage riders insults ALL my friends. I wave to anyone on two wheels. Nothing to get over, I'm good.
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Had a buddy back in the late 80’s and all the 90’s who averaged between 30 and 40 thousand miles a year. Traded his bike in every year on a new one. Back then Harley’s held their value, he got his money back every year. Then one year the trade value went the other way. Pissed him off; I just shugged. Too bad, dude. I rode a couple of times with him, he rode way to fast. Told him, his days of riding were numbered. He laughed, thought it was funny. A short time later, riding to fast at night he was killed in a deer strike. :brow
More Harleys on the road than any others

Here in Western Canada I see far more Harleys on the road than the other bikes combined ..
He just finished up with a bit over 101,000 miles in 100 days.

Just over 1000 miles every day for 100 days. Not impossible but I have to wonder. At 60 mph you are on the road for 17 hours and that does not include gas, food and bathroom breaks. I've done a few thousand milers, but at the speed limit on single lane roads. Tiring and not safe the older you get.

But I did have a friend ride up from Santiago, Chile to Montreal, Canada on his HD.