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Does anyone make one of these?



An electronic unit I can plug into a wall outlet in my garage, then plug in the "cigarette lighter" type plug into it? Instead of moving the jeep and bike around so that the phug and tire connector will each reach?

Could you please be a little more specific about exactly what you are trying to do?
Are you trying to extend a battery charger, or a tire pump?
Both issues can be solved with a simple extension cord.
The last two look like they will work. I'm going to print out the pages and stop by the local PEP boys and see what they have to offer.

If you don't find what you are looking for at PEP boys, Radio Shack has the same item.

The one I have at my desk at work to charge my phone: Cat. No 22-505A
Check two things:

How many amps will your load need, and how many amps the little unit can put out.

Some may work fine to charge a cell phone and fail to power a tire pump.
Once I knew what they were called it was amazing how many of there there are. I ordered a one made by Black & Decker and will report on how well it works out. If it just works with either of the two tire pumps I have, it will save a lot of hassel.