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Cardan (drive shaft) Inspection - Service Performed in Vegas?


New member
I'm curious if anyone has had this service bulletin perfromed in Las Vegas.

The service advisor told me that they'll pull the drive shaft and lube the splines when I asked in person as part of the procedure, but as I'm reading the service bulletin if the bike passes the test this would not be performed. I'm considering making drive shaft inspection part of my regular maintenance and I'm not sold on the duck bill valve solution. I don't imagine that they'll run the test without drilling and installing the duck bill valve.

For reference it's a 16 GS with only 20k miles. I'm guessing I'll pass the test. It's seen some heavy rain and has never crossed anything deeper than 12" of water and that was only once.

So, has anyone had this service bulletin done in Las Vegas and what was your experience?
Thanks for your help and thoughts.
Hi All - Bumping this again.
My recall service is scheduled for Saturday... But I called today to confirm and they said since they don't have any stock of drive shafts and they are backordered that they aren't planning on doing the recall work just now...
Bizarre. I scheduled this nearly two months ago...
Seems stretching it out, as long as there is no obvious symptoms, is a plus. Good thing you called.
