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Bren Tuning Results?

A couple of posts/threads:

Just Bought a 2022 X1000xr and was looking into Bren Stage 1. Anyone have experience with this?

I have the full Akra system and stage 2 Brentune on my 2022 XR. I got stage 1, then later bought stage 2. IMHO, if you're going to do it, just go straight to stage 2, it doesn't look like much on the dyno, but you feel it big time in the bike.

Around 12K miles now with stage 2, no problems, no faults, no lights. Sounds great, runs great. Very happy with everything but the price!

If you'd like to see what it sounds like:
Had my 24 XR tuned (BT) along with black widow headers a monyh ago, so far I absolutely love it, the mid range has so much more pep to it now and throttle overall is incredibly responsive