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A Pocket Knife thread (celebrating my new one!)

that's awesome! that *Juice* looks like it's been around the block a time or two. was that one of the first models with tools accessible without having to open the body up? i just bought a Surge, after having lost my trusty SuperTool 200
(i think it was stolen- OR maybe the *ghost* got it. OK, i know- but that's a whole other story)
anyway, still waiting to get into use of the Surge, but it has the 4 main tools accessible from *outside* the body of the thing. second biggest Leatherman made.

I can't say much about the history of the Leatherman tools. In my case, I bought it after I lost my Swiss Army knife. I thought I had put that in my checked luggage on a return international flight, but couldn't find it when I got home.

I had bought that knife about 1980, and I was disappointed to lose it and more disappointed to find that that particular model wasn't made any more. I saw the Juice tool while wandering around in REI, and as it was on sale and I had a refund burning a hole in my pocket...

Naturally, the next time I pulled out the roller duffle to pack it, I found the SA knife. The Juice is actually a bit smaller and lighter, so the SA knife sits in a drawer now.
Carry two

Daily I carry a Bench Made 557SBK with a tanto blade and in my pocket a Leatherman Micra as a mini tool box. For special applications I carry a Ka-Bar TDI LE.
I didn't realize there was so many flashlight aficionados.

ha! anything and all things *GEAR*.
my tech geek buddies gave me honorary *geek* status based solely on my gear fetish. my job as a union stagehand calls for the use of knives, multi-tools and flashlights.... among other things. and naturally advances the cause of my *need* for tools and gear.
go pro.
BMW Multitool

Just bought this BMW Multitool as a replacement for my Leatherman, hope it serves me as well!


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I just would like to know how many blood blisters Darryl got grom that BMW multi-tool pinching his hands?
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Years past, a fellow employee walked into the shop one morning and proceeded to give everyone there a pocket knife. When asked why, he replied that he and his wife had been in an accident over the weekend where their vehicle ended up side down, with gasoline leaking from the tank. His wife was a rather large women, and if not for his trusty pocket knife available, he would never have been able to cut her seat belt in order to free her from the restraint in time. So as a believer in being prepared, he bought each of us a pocket knife as his way of passing his experience forward. I've carried one ever since.....
New - yes! Several of my friends have commented on my dad's (deceased for over 40 years) old Barlow 2-blade pocketknife... great little knife, still takes and holds a good edge, but it really is showing it's, um, "provenance"...

As a future replacement, a few years ago I bought a similar Barlow; showed it to one of the guys - he said "Not bad, but it has no past..." My response: "But it has a future!"

So as a surprise this past Christmas, one of 'em got me a new 3-blade Buck 373E ... yes it's made in China, but it's still pretty nice. And wow is it sharp.

For the car - a couple of months ago, I bought a "rescue" tool to just keep right there in the console. One side is a protected blade for the belt, the other side is a small but dense and pointed "hammer" to break a window. Don't even have to think about carrying or packing it, it's always there now.

But for a "real problem" it's the Kabar...
One time crossing the border in Washington, of course the officer asks if I have any weapons... Like an idiot, I told him I had a "camping and survival knife" locked away in the trunk. He tells me to park it over by the office, go on in & present my ID... I sat there for about an hour while they checked my license/etc., and they cut me loose... without ever asking to actually see the knife. Guess I gave them something to do. Or maybe they saw my multiple clearances...
Another time, I had stopped on the shoulder of the road just southwest of Sturgis (Alt 14?) on my way in, and was about to take a picture of the big "Welcome to Sturgis" etc billboards, when a hobo walks across the road and starts asking me for money. Fairly large guy, scraggly beard, full camping pack. Wouldn't take "sorry, no", kept hassling me, "brother of the road" etc b.s. ... Had the trunk open anyway, so I pulled out the Kabar. He left.

Worst thing in world dull knife (seems ok if you have never used a sharp knife)
Knife that starts out sharp that you can't get sharp again better now you know the joys of a sharp knife worse same reason
Best sharp knife that you can keep sharp or know someone who can and use them like a cheap politician

Opinel knives many different sizes and types French made great blades (not a oxymoron) both stainless and carbon steel simple locking mechanism that you can use or not wood handle most cost less than $20. I have about 10 or more misplaced never mind buying more .
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034.jpg035.jpgI know most "girls" don't carry knives of any sort, but I do and always have since I was a kid. I won't leave the house without one in my pocket. Since I am an outdoor gal, I've had many opportunities to use them, and at times they have really gotten me out of a mess. The large knife is my beloved 30 year old Puma (they don't make them like that anymore)& the small one was a recent gift.

Spyderco SpydeRench is a discontinued product, but they appear on eBay occasionally for as much as $275. Original MSRP was about $150. Mine has never failed.

Then there is the Manix2... also reliable. Available in the $80 range despite the MSRP being considerably more.


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Can't help it, this thread made me laugh out loud. Don't get me wrong, I have 2 Leathermans and a knock off given to me so I'm jiggy with it, but 8 pages? This reminds me of the thread on here a couple of years ago about buckets. It is a long winter.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Leatherman Factory Tour - Portland OR

See the tour video: https://youtu.be/0BYivfZ8tfE
This was an outstanding experience, followed by a visit to the nearby factory store which sells many, many more products than you will find at REI, Bass Pro, etc.
When we went, reservations were required for a 12-person tour given only on Wednesday mornings. Worth every minute. You get a serious discount coupon good for that week only at the factory store. Everyone on our tour went straight to the factory store.
Can't help it, this thread made me laugh out loud. Don't get me wrong, I have 2 Leathermans and a knock off given to me so I'm jiggy with it, but 8 pages? This reminds me of the thread on here a couple of years ago about buckets. It is a long winter.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

I have several buckets with tight lids keep camping stuff in them including knives empty them invert over led lantern make pretty lighted table to set your beer on next to your Kermit chair
Losing a pocket knife that you've had for maybe 30 years and is ALWAYS in that same pants pocket hurts. Mine was a simple 3-blade Old Timer - not very expensive, maybe not so great at holding its edge - but with me every day. Think I lost it three times. Once was through a pocket hole when I was mowing the lawn. It took a lot of searching (big lawn) but I found it. Another time after cleaning fish on the then Queen Charlotte Islands I left it on a log. A week later it was still there! Last year I lost it on a trip to Cuba. Had packed it in the "checked luggage" but before we entered the airport my wife needed it for some reason. Habit returned it to the usual pants pocket - and, of course, it was confiscated. (Not sure what Cuban airline security do with confiscated pocket knives, but they probably don't sell them on Ebay.)

I've always had a knife in my right pocket since grade school (which would probably get any kid expelled now) so I went out knife shopping. Ended up with a Buck 3-blade very similar to my Old Timer, but I think better. One of the shorter blades is great for opening mail and other stuff. Use the longer blade for cleaning fish. Haven't yet found a use for the third blade.

Clearly there are a lot of knife fans on this forum (which sort of surprised me, since I would wager only a small percentage of the populace regularly carry a pocket knife) but the diversity of opinion on the "best knives" is hardly shocking.

ps. I once had my Bic lighter confiscated at an airport. Forget whether that was in Mexico or Cuba. I presume this was so I couldn't set a tube of toothpaste (if they somehow missed it) on fire. I think the real terrorists won after 9/11 and not just in the US. It is global. Well, if you want to travel (motorcycles in your own country excepted) be prepared to pay the price of extreme caution on what you bring on board and what you check.