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Ultra-Light Weight Motorcycle Cover

The OP’s original post sounded like he was looking for a more full-coverage unit like the Wanderer…


That's why I said Wanderer A.
The top half of your Traveler A probably uses the same pattern as the Wanderer A.
Tried to find some reviews of the eztouring cover on YouTube. Also are they factory direct ordering or do they sell through retailers?

At the moment, I might go for the DowCo UltraLite Plus due to easy availability in my area. I have till spring to decide.

A bit of a rant when looking at reviews on retailer's web sites...OK, your average human isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but when they say “it fits well”, it might be a great idea to state what size they bought for the motorcycle they have. What a concept that would be! :banghead
Tried to find some reviews of the eztouring cover on YouTube. Also are they factory direct ordering or do they sell through retailers?

At the moment, I might go for the DowCo UltraLite Plus due to easy availability in my area. I have till spring to decide.

A bit of a rant when looking at reviews on retailer's web sites...OK, your average human isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but when they say “it fits well”, it might be a great idea to state what size they bought for the motorcycle they have. What a concept that would be! :banghead

EZ Touring is a small mom & pop operation out of Madras, OR.
EZ Touring is a small mom & pop operation out of Madras, OR.

Yup, I was just on their website minutes ago.

I take it you have one of their covers. If so, how is their stitching and their joints? I am not an expert on joint terminology, but are the seams double overlapped? sort of like they are on my Eureka tent which is old and still like new.

The Aerostich motorcycle cover (I have had two of their Roadcrafter II suits over 24 years) is nice, but pricey.
Yup, I was just on their website minutes ago.

I take it you have one of their covers. If so, how is their stitching and their joints? I am not an expert on joint terminology, but are the seams double overlapped? sort of like they are on my Eureka tent which is old and still like new.

The Aerostich motorcycle cover (I have had two of their Roadcrafter II suits over 24 years) is nice, but pricey.

Inside seams are double stitched but apparently not the outside edge.

Cheap on Ebay

There are some on Ebay for around $15, one of which I have. Fits fine, even over my aluminum boxes. However, I don't use it very much, except to keep prying eyes off of the bike when parked at motels. The reason I don't use it is because moisture condenses on the bottom side (as well as the top when it rains), and then I have to wad it up and put the wet mess in my aluminum boxes, where it never dries out. So, I don't use it much.
There are some on Ebay for around $15, one of which I have. Fits fine, even over my aluminum boxes. However, I don't use it very much, except to keep prying eyes off of the bike when parked at motels. The reason I don't use it is because moisture condenses on the bottom side (as well as the top when it rains), and then I have to wad it up and put the wet mess in my aluminum boxes, where it never dries out. So, I don't use it much.

With wet items as mentioned above, when leaving, I use a mesh bag strapped to the rack on the top box where things dry out quickly and stored away from dry gear. If one does not have a top case rack, the bag can be placed and secured to the pillion seat. Even a regular dry sack strapped to the bike could be used to store your cover until the next evening.
Yup, I was just on their website minutes ago.

I take it you have one of their covers. If so, how is their stitching and their joints? I am not an expert on joint terminology, but are the seams double overlapped? sort of like they are on my Eureka tent which is old and still like new.

The Aerostich motorcycle cover (I have had two of their Roadcrafter II suits over 24 years) is nice, but pricey.

I sold my 2015 RT last year and gave the cover to the new owner, so I can't look at the seams. I can tell you I used it for eight years of extensive touring on a 2007 K1200LT and then another eight years of extensive touring on a 2015 R1200 RT. When I sold the RT and gave the cover to the new owner, it was in excellent condition, still waterproof and durable (it was a half cover, which was great because it packed up so small). At one point during my ownership, I lost the travel bag for it. I contacted the owners of the company and they happily sent me another free of charge.
Inside seams are double stitched but apparently not the outside edge.

View attachment 93884View attachment 93885

My wife used to be a seamstress. The double stitched seam is called a flat felled seam.
The outside edge shown in the picture is a casing for the elastic paracord.
Another thing to mention about the EZ Touring cover is they use rip-stop nylon.
If you manage to poke a hole in the fabric it does not keep tearing.

Debbie used to make our bike covers, but when she saw the EZ Touring covers she said it was not worth her time to buy that fabric and make our own.
The waterproof rip-stop fabric is not cheap.

Lightweight, compact, made from parachute cloth.


By the way, are they on vacation because I tried calling them. Edited to add: must have had a mobile phone update and I could not get through, in fact could not make any call at all. Changed a phone setting and spoke to eztouring the other day.

I'll be ordering the Wanderer Full Motorcycle Cover in Black and Size A to fit my 2016 R1200 GS Adventure with BMW aluminum side cases and GiVi E52 top case. I hope it'll fit.

Thanks to all for the recommendation.
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Following-up on this, I'm considering a half-cover for a 2012 R1200GS (non-A) and see all the nods for the Traveller A. Anybody know if that'll that fit with my big honkin' Micatech Pilot cases, or should I opt for the XT size? Though with only $7 difference in price, maybe I should just go with the XT and not worry about it.