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Trip planning recommendations


New member
Starting June 19th I have 7 -9 days of vacation planned. I think i'm going to skip the Touratech rally and go for a long ride. Most I've been on is a 3 day ride to Crescent City, Ca and back. "live in Olympia" But have always wanted to do a long ride. I'll be doing the trip on a 2013 1200GSA.

My question for you guys is where or what should i see? I'm thinking 3 or days one way 3 or 4 back. I'll be going solo so any good long trip advice would be appreciated.

Not sure if I'm going to plan where to sleep ahead of time or find places to stay on the fly.
It would help if you added what sort of trips you enjoy. Are you a tourist who likes to take in a bit of nature...or a serious rider who is about twisties and only stops in civilization for gas and food?

My suggestion for a great ride would be north to Crater Lake, then west to the Oregon coast all the way up to the Olympic Peninsula. Ferry across the Sound, then east to the North Cascades or if you're running out of time by then catch Mt Rainier and the east side of Mt St Helens on the way home

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Can't recommend specific roads, but one could easily burn 9 days in BC and Vancouver Island :)
<< ... My suggestion for a great ride would be north to Crater Lake, then west to the Oregon coast all the way up to the Olympic Peninsula. Ferry across the Sound, then east to the North Cascades or if you're running out of time by then catch Mt Rainier and the east side of Mt St Helens on the way home ... >>

I second Glen's suggestions above. This is a terrific few days' of riding he has outlined.

Good luck.
Thank you guys for the suggestions. My riding style is kind of mixed. i like the scenery and nature but would like the high speed twisty either dirt or pavement to get there. Prefer Hotels or KOA cabin type place to sleep in but not afraid to sleep in a tent if needed.
Since i live in Olympia, Wa I have rode the peninsula a lot along the Mt. Rainier and St. Helens area. Wouldn't mind going down and checking out Crater lake area. Last summer on our way back from Crescent city, Ca we drove by crater lake but there was still to much snow i guess so the road to the lake was still closed.
I really like the Idea of BC or Glacier park.
Somebody mentioned the Duffy lake road circuit but i can't find any info on that.
My guess is that you have done a lot of riding south of Seattle, but not nearly as much north of Seattle.

Vancouver and British Columbia are great places. Alternatively, you could spend a few days on Hwy 542 and Hwy 20, especially if you like hiking too. Hwy 542 is the Mt. Baker Highway. Once Artist Point opens, you'll get some jaw dropping scenery with just some short hikes at the end. Hwy 20 is the North Cascades Highway. Lots of opportunities to camp inside the park and hike some of the trails there. Or ride through the park and get a motel in the Twisp and Winthrop area. Following Hwy 20 east, will take you through some national forests. Good pavement. Nice scenery.
