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Thread Titles in Bold

I'm looking at your title for this thread and it's in bold font. On the main page showing all the posts, if there's a new post within a thread, it will show bold on my screen. Is that the issue you're discussing?
The title is in bold now on my screen, too. My first thought was it goes from non-bold to bold when someone posts a reply...but then I saw my other thread ("Intermittent Electrics") which is still in non-bold even with a half-dozen replies. :dunno
I checked again ten minutes later, and the title's back to non-bold. I reloaded the page and it remained so. C'mon admins...give us a clue here.
I'm not sure when you are seeing bold or not. I have found thaton threads I am subscribed to that have new posts they are bold. If I haven't posted in the thread but just read it I think it stays the normal font... I think. I actually don't have an answer beyond that but I will see what I can find out. It may also have something to do with how your user Control Panel is set up. Check that thread in the New Member area and go through your set up choices. That may give you a better explanation.
I think the bolded threads are those that are new or have new posts within them since you last logged in. Log out, then log back in and all the threads will be normal weight, but as soon as somebody posts something to a thread, the thread title will then be bolded. It's a way of alerting us when something is new since our last login ÔÇö I think. :scratch

The "announcement" threads seem to always remain bolded.
I think the bolded threads are those that are new or have new posts within them since you last logged in. Log out, then log back in and all the threads will be normal weight, but as soon as somebody posts something to a thread, the thread title will then be bolded. It's a way of alerting us when something is new since our last login ÔÇö I think. :scratch

The "announcement" threads seem to always remain bolded.

That seems to be it exactly. Thanks!