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The New BMW G 310 GS Thread~

We have commited to buying two of these. The first red one the dealership can get and one other, any color. We have heard it may be June. OK, we are ready!
June isn't typically a release month by history is it? We wanted to wait as well, but went Orange instead for now.
Really looking forward to seeing/riding one:thumb
June isn't typically a release month by history is it? We wanted to wait as well, but went Orange instead for now.
Really looking forward to seeing/riding one:thumb

With new models schedules can be interesting. They introduce a model - say the "R". Then follow on with the "GS". I forget the sequence with the R1100 models except to note that the RS came in May of 1993 as a 1994 model. We bought one - now called Big Red.
What is the MSRP? The G310R starts at $4,750, so how much more are they adding on for the GS enhancements?
For the first time in several years, this model has piqued my interested I am looking for another motorcycle that I can use for a daily rider in the city and on fire and forestry trunk roads near my area. Can't wait to see one in the flesh - perhaps at the annual January motorcycle show in Calgary.

In The Spotlight - The new BMW G 310 GS

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bTSi0LUzb84" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Just looking at the pictures so far, do not see a whole lot of extra bits than the R

With that thought, I was hoping real close to the Roadsters price...But, just a WAG.
now adding some panniers and engine guards...well, you know the story.
I am curious about something. Will the purchasers of the G310 GS be allowed to hang out with the GS GIANTS, or will they have to form their own group called the GS dwarfs, midgets or something appropriate for smaller stature ? :D
I am curious about something. Will the purchasers of the G310 GS be allowed to hang out with the GS GIANTS, or will they have to form their own group called the GS dwarfs, midgets or something appropriate for smaller stature ? :D

Nah, they will be riding circles around the dirt napping 1200's and floating over obstacles that slow the big boys and girls down...they will earn respect quickly:bow
now adding some panniers and engine guards...well, you know the story.

I see the R and GS have optional luggage racks and two different topcases, but no panniers.
I wonder if they will have small optional panniers in the future.
A Luftmeister fairing with lowers, Big bucket King/Queen cloth velour saddle seat, Krauser bags with nerf bars, Big chrome crash bars with hiway pegs. Harley Tour Pack. Hummmm, OK, will do that to a R100 and mount the 310 on the front fender as a ornament. :thumb Just teasin.
If Hepco-Becker can come up with removable hard luggage for the S1000RR, and felt there was a business case for doing so, then I'm sure there will be someone making luggage for the 310R and GS.
For some it will be touring bike. Back in '90 at Bulow campground, got up one mourning and a Honda Rebel 250 was parked next to my tent. The owner was getting out of his tent. Nice guy, he rode down from North Carolina. We exchanged pleasanties. Grown man on that little Rebel. Never said a thing to him about that bike being little. He was a small guy on a small bike, but to me he was big man on a big bike. I still tip my hat to him and anyone else who do what they have to do to get the job done. The BMW 310 will be a good representive of the BMW brand. :thumb