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Radar detector.. Valentine?


Active member
Ugh.. Just got an ugly "performance award", guess it's time for a radar detector.. :(

This was one of those where I saw the cop when I was coming around the corner, looked down, 50MPH, sigh of relief because I honestly thought I was going faster. When I saw I was at 50, I honestly thought, "Phew, in the clear". I was on a mountain road in Sky Valley GA, the road goes into and out of GA a few times, when it does, it changes from a 35 or 45 MPH to, where I was.. 25MPH!

I could not believe it, I was clocked at 2X the speed limit. I like to ride fast, but double, that's a hard a "no".

So.. Went from thinking "he probably won't pull out" to "You're lucky I'm not impounding your bike". I was kind of annoyed honestly, if I'm going to have my bike impounded, I'd like to have a story to tell. Going 50 isn't much of a story! When he did pull out, I was still convinced that he was probably going to give me an earful on my lean angle or just tell me to slow it down.

I was shooting video at the time, so, you guys will get to see it when I get home and put it together, but, man, totally knocked the stuffing out of my ride. I was honestly riding so conservative afterward I pulled over and had to have a moment, I was going to have an accident riding because I was riding so out of the norm for me and went into a few corners and almost fell over because I was leaning like I normally would at 50% higher speeds.

Anyway, moral of this story.. I need to get a radar detector; I ride a lot and if I had radar this weekend, I would have absolutely missed this ticket, which is probably going to wind up in the 1000's for cost.

I'm centered on the Valentine One and just wondered if anyone has pictures or details on how they mounted it, especially if you ride a S1000XR!

For those riding in the area, be really careful here, it's a wide open road with 2 lanes going uphill, and the speed limit is, in fact, 25!!

I got popped on the corner the truck is getting ready to enter. The speed limit sign was there, I didn't see it. And I also can't recall a 2 lane road that has a 25MPH speed limit!! ;)

I have a V1 that is almost 11 years old. Although not designed to run in the wet, they are evidently quite water resistant. Mine has been in the rain several times. Some riders keep a sandwich bag handy and put the bag over the V1 if caught off guard by rain. I made a cover out of ABS plastic that covers three sides and the top. The bottom and the front are open. It keeps the worst of the rain off the V1 until I can stow it. It also makes the V1 less noticeable to the casual observer.

The V1 has some key advantages over the TPX. I have both and Annie runs my TPX. The V1 is upgradable; I’ve had mine done twice. The V1 provides direction to the radar emitters; a very valuable capability. The V1 provides earlier warning and far fewer false alerts than the TPX; Annie often gets alerts when the V1 is silent. The TPX alerts are invariably bogus. I almost always detect an emitter a few seconds before Annie does on the TPX.

The latest generation of the V1 has some new capabilities that I can’t speak to, but I know it does a good job in providing dependable alerts of radar emissions. In the 10+ years I’ve run a V1 I’ve had one roadside chat with a LEO and that was because I was caught by an aircraft. In that instance it was only my boyish good looks and charming personality that kept me from getting a citation.
Thanks for relaying the experience. I'm not all that worried about waterproof, I always ride with my top case, so, if it were to start to rain, no big deal to drop the into the case and protect it. Not going to carve any corners fast in the rain anyway, so certainly don't need radar detection in that type of weather (also, cops don't like writing tickets in the rain either, so much less likely to find a radar trap setup).

Kind of struggling with how to mount any radar on the XR. There's a gap between the top of the TFT and the bottom of the GPS where I might be able to sneak it in, that would be a great spot (high up, right behind the windshield, unobstructed view of the road ahead) just not sure how to mount it in there. Can't use a standard handlebar arm because the frame that holds the TFT and GPS is small, maybe 1/4in rod? Sure I can figure something out, but if anyone has done any mount they liked on a XR, love to see it.

Caught by aircraft?? That sounds like a much better story than popped for 50MPH! ;)
About a month ago I bought a Valentine1 after 20 years of not having one. It saved my bacon already…. The key is to use the V1 companion app with it on your phone and it becomes quite the machine… I use a Ram mount magnetic mount and can pop the unit in my tank bag if the weather turns.
The app helps in setting up the detector to your needs and logs the useless false alarms from security systems etc. YMMV
About a month ago I bought a Valentine1 after 20 years of not having one. It saved my bacon already…. The key is to use the V1 companion app with it on your phone and it becomes quite the machine… I use a Ram mount magnetic mount and can pop the unit in my tank bag if the weather turns.
The app helps in setting up the detector to your needs and logs the useless false alarms from security systems etc. YMMV
Exactly what I'm planning to do (run the app as well). Can you snap a picture of your mounting setup, really like to see it!

Thank you!
Here is how I mount my V1g2 on my '21 GSA - Ram Magnetic Mount - Ziploc for wet weather has worked for me.


If you are an Android user the JVB1 App is much better than the Valentine App as it integrates Crowd Source Alerts, Aircraft alerts, and other valuable info into one screen on your phone.

JBV1 Discussion Threads - https://www.rdforum.org/forums/210/

App Comparison Thread - https://www.rdforum.org/threads/116904/

The Bluetooth link from the V1g2 to your phone and from your phone to your headset is very effective.

My Valentine has paid for itself several times over. Great detection ranges on KA and the JVB1 App has saved me from aircraft several times.
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Exactly what I'm planning to do (run the app as well). Can you snap a picture of your mounting setup, really like to see it!

Thank you!
bigjohnsd has the same set-up I have incl the velcro strap! The app I use is for my I-phone, should have mentioned that.. :nod sooner and it is about $10 or so well worth it IMHO..
Thank you all very much! That looks like it would work for my BigJohn, thank you for the picture! Feel like I have so much crap on the bar now (phone, camera mount, heat controller, OH MY!) really looking for some way to do it without yet another thing strapped to the bar, but your setup would absolutely work for me.

For those who care to weigh in; looking to get an assessement of the ride leading up to the ticket. Do I need a radar detector or do I need a reality check to realize I'm riding way over the line and about to wind up in a box.

For those who care to weigh in; looking to get an assessement of the ride leading up to the ticket. Do I need a radar detector or do I need a reality check to realize I'm riding way over the line and about to wind up in a box.
It isn't about "riding way over the line" for me. I just want to know what is ahead and if I'm 5 or 10 mph over I want the option to slow down. I do not desire to contribute to some small town's enforcement budget. I've found that on the Interstates the JVB1 APP is as important as the detector. In rural America, the detector is more important.
It isn't about "riding way over the line" for me. I just want to know what is ahead and if I'm 5 or 10 mph over I want the option to slow down. I do not desire to contribute to some small town's enforcement budget. I've found that on the Interstates the JVB1 APP is as important as the detector. In rural America, the detector is more important.

Don't worry John, I think the ticket I got will fund the police in Sky Valley, GA, population 482 (no, that's not a misprint), for quite some time. You should be safe to ride there now, at least a month before they'll need another injection of $$. ;)
New Hampshire’s answer to a radar detector?

MANCHESTER, N.H. —A New Hampshire State Police aircraft was used in the operation, police said. Wednesday's stops come after recent data showed 116 drivers were caught driving between 100 and 109 mph from March 7, 2023, to March 7, 2024. In that same period, 10 people were ticketed for driving between 110 and 120 mph.Apr 25, 2024

People going that fast with what I see as the skill level of current drivers….worries me. :nono

Stupid is a stupid does ...

Over the years, I have found that a consistent speed of about 5-9 over yields a greater distance traveled than anything else. It is amazing that you see the same cars/truck again and again when you are going down an interstate for a few 100 miles...
I don't know how long it takes an officer to write a ticket, but lets' say 30 mins @ 70 MPH that is 35 miles closer to your destination vs being pulled over. YMMV
New Hampshire’s answer to a radar detector?

MANCHESTER, N.H. —A New Hampshire State Police aircraft was used in the operation, police said. Wednesday's stops come after recent data showed 116 drivers were caught driving between 100 and 109 mph from March 7, 2023, to March 7, 2024. In that same period, 10 people were ticketed for driving between 110 and 120 mph.Apr 25, 2024

People going that fast with what I see as the skill level of current drivers….worries me. :nono

Air enforcement is common here in the west.

That said, we were heading east across Ohio, returning to Boston from Top o' the Rockies and I heard a weird motor sound behind. I didn't see anything in my mirrors, but as I was looking, a Cessna 172 flew by us with maybe 20 miles an hour on us. The right door was off and an Ohio State Trooper was using radar on cars they were passing.

Down the road a ways, they had a half dozen cruisers set up and it looked like a checkout line at Walmart.

I've not been snagged by airplanes, but they regularly used to set them up on 93 in NH in the summer.
I can only offer one piece of advice WRT the Valentine V1G2. If you are an Android user, Download the JVB1 APP and pair your phone to your detector. The JVB1 APP has a data integration function that orally and graphically shows, radar hits, Waze and other crowd source alerts, and two Aircraft data base alerts. Multiple times I have seen and heard "Aircraft flying a suspicious pattern" five miles ahead, or XX State aircraft 3 miles ahead. I believe the airborne threat data is parsed from the FAA , but I know it works!
I can only offer one piece of advice WRT the Valentine V1G2. If you are an Android user, Download the JVB1 APP and pair your phone to your detector. The JVB1 APP has a data integration function that orally and graphically shows, radar hits, Waze and other crowd source alerts, and two Aircraft data base alerts. Multiple times I have seen and heard "Aircraft flying a suspicious pattern" five miles ahead, or XX State aircraft 3 miles ahead. I believe the airborne threat data is parsed from the FAA , but I know it works!

JBV1 is really "the reason" I went with the V1G2. It's an amazing data collection/collation and analytics tool. Integrating crowd sourced alerts, all sorts of camera databases (speed, traffic, red light, etc), aircraft, and, of course, your own V1G2 radar detector; it's just a complete data overload cut down to something easily consumable (police reported ahead, KA band alert, etc) on a bike. Absolutely amazing.

I actually was chatting with the developer and asked about "networking" the JBV1 users together. Talk about "bulletproof", if you knew there were other V1 users ahead of you and no radar/laser hits, it's getting to "almost certain" there are no cops ahead. Sounds like it's not in the plan, lots of data privacy issues. Even just automatically updating Waze when you get a KA or laser hit would be huge for other people.

I decided to forego laser jammers. Where I ride, laser is super rare, AFAIK, I've never been hit with it. Figure I'll see if it becomes more common, but, for now, no need to jam something that's not a problem. Doing the research though, laser jammers are the real deal. They are so good that you have to be careful not to "JTG" (jam the signal all the way up to where the cop is shooting you) because it will bring up all kinds of unwanted attention. Jam for 3-4 seconds to get your speed down, then deactivate and allow for a speed reading. I cannot believe how effective that technology is, you're basically "stealth" to laser if you buy a good jammer, they simply cannot get a reading.

JBV1 also allows me to have all the alerts right in my helmet via Bluetooth. That's really important for a motorcycle (obviously), so I was happy to find that it's dead simple to make that work, while playing music, and, on the BMW, while connected to the bike directly. It's a bit complicated, but it works great and once set up, it's all automatic.

I was out yesterday breaking in my track suit and trying to get comfortable in it. Full "power ranger"; boots, gauntlet gloves, one piece suit. I wasn't riding fast, but, coming into a town, I get an alert on KA band. Slowed down, and then notice the speed limit is about to drop from 50 to 30. Get down to 30, and pass 2 cops shooting radar a few 100 yards beyond the speed limit change. You should have seen the "stinkeye" they threw in my direction. Riding by in a race suit going 29 in a 30. Sure that annoyed them.

Off topic, but the fun thing about a race suit on the street? Well, other than getting cops to shake their head (what is this idiot thinking??)? Kids LOVE it. I rode about 80 miles, and kids were going proper nuts when I came by. I got a few "do a wheelie" gestures, and a whole lot of thumbs up and waves from the kids. That was pretty fun/cool, wasn't expecting that (kids don't seem all that interested in bikes/cars anymore)... Made me smile, maybe I'll wear the race suit on the street more often than expected to get some kids smiling!!
Here is how I mount my V1g2 on my '21 GSA - Ram Magnetic Mount - Ziploc for wet weather has worked for me.


If you are an Android user the JVB1 App is much better than the Valentine App as it integrates Crowd Source Alerts, Aircraft alerts, and other valuable info into one screen on your phone.

JBV1 Discussion Threads - https://www.rdforum.org/forums/210/

App Comparison Thread - https://www.rdforum.org/threads/116904/

The Bluetooth link from the V1g2 to your phone and from your phone to your headset is very effective.

My Valentine has paid for itself several times over. Great detection ranges on KA and the JVB1 App has saved me from aircraft several times.
BigJohnsd, can you show us a picture of your setup from the front? Also do you have it coming off the nav bracket? Thanks!