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Post a Picture of Your F-Twin

I'll have to go take a picture.

But, it looks exactly like Wezul's.
C'mon guys. Step it up. If you take some snazzy shot maybe it'll be the photo of the week. :drink


And here's where we went, let's see who can guess where we were . . .


Nice Bike! Who's the boob that got into your shot? :nyah
No new shots today because Knary said "no parking lots" although it was a nice one down by the Fox River.

And then I see one with a road cone, (although the road behind is gorgeous).
Nice choice of color, btw, Dave, even if it was your's for a short while.

Anyroad, I shall work on getting some better shots but I was working solo today and it's a little difficult to get nice pics from a sweeper.

Ross, Rae may be right about me being a boob. :lol

Oh heck, here is the "parking lot" shot anyway.
Sorry, Scott.

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I can't wait till the end of the month, begining of next month.

I'll be able to test ride a F800S :)

Talking about 60+mpg, I heard some of the people who ride the F650CS get 85mpg...
Oh, ouch! :nod :p


Don't take it to heart, wezul. I think your A-OK!

Yesterday, I added an LCD tail light, and late tomorrow, I add the rear seat cowl.

Pics to follow over the weekend.

Tweety1 :dance
(because the Desert Yellow F800S is called Tweety Bird, around here).:blah
Gee, why do you think the SO would suggest my middle name is "boob"? :lol
I'm thinking I may want to add more light. Where to hang some PIAA's? Suggestions?
No nasty clamps, please!
Gee, why do you think the SO would suggest my middle name is "boob"? :lol
I'm thinking I may want to add more light. Where to hang some PIAA's? Suggestions?
No nasty clamps, please!

No can do, guy, I have an S and we have less hanging space.
I can't wait till the end of the month, begining of next month.

I'll be able to test ride a F800S :)

Talking about 60+mpg, I heard some of the people who ride the F650CS get 85mpg...

Hope you like the F800S, Yellow_S-I love mine. It suits my 5'11.5" 170 lb frame perfectly upright, or bent over as a choice (but over 80 mph I sometimes bend a little):laugh.

I get a steady 60-80 mpg on highway, a 30-55 mpg on street, and generally if I commute on it for a few days, a 55-62 mpg average.

The on-board optional computer shows average mpg and instant mpg (sometimes it shows over 100 mpg), average speed, and outside temperature. I also have the TPMS option and that is displayed, too. The gear speed indicator is a nice touch too.

Lots of fun to quick look at while watching the road (always!). Sometimes, though it is interesting to compare instant mpg at same speed in 4th, 5th, and 6th, since it does not always get best gas mileage in 6th, or 5th, when going 40-60 mph. Weird, but true.

Ask and you shall receive... within reason.
Just got home and saw this. Thanks so much, BradfordBenn!!!:wave

O'er the weekend I will be taking some pics of mine in a few "poses" to post.

Putting my brand new license plate on mine later.
