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Lobster for lunch doesn't get any fresher than this!
My 72 R75/5. Rebuilt carbs and cleaned up a bit. Slowly fixing the little things that need attention .


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1971 R 50/5. Keeping the patina is a little tougher than the total restoration, this is a first for me. The gas tank had been relined with Kreeme at one point, it had mostly peeled away and bubble over the years, after I got that cleaned out and tested for leaks (no leaks found) I did a couple coats of Red Kote. . I had to use my home made puller to get the cylinders off, they were very stuck after a couple decades in a damp basement. The top end was a mess but I got it with replacement cylinders and piston, I lapped in new valves, new springs and rebuilt the carbs. The battered Tetounic SQL 1000 mile was a great find, it had its own form of patina. I will keep the 35+ years of dirt and grime for a while longer maybe forever.


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New-to-me '72 R75/5. Runs great, I believe it was originally restored/refreshed by Murph's BMW Service in Eugene, OR and also maintained by Murph over the years. I have a couple tasteful mods I'm going to do (Hoske mufflers, low Euro handlebars, Albert mirrors, chrome engine bars) and I'm going to have the tank and headlight bucket repainted as they're sporting some heavy chipping. Other than that it's going to stay how it is.


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New-to-me '72 R75/5. Runs great, I believe it was originally restored/refreshed by Murph's BMW Service in Eugene, OR and also maintained by Murph over the years. I have a couple tasteful mods I'm going to do (Hoske mufflers, low Euro handlebars, Albert mirrors, chrome engine bars) and I'm going to have the tank and headlight bucket repainted as they're sporting some heavy chipping. Other than that it's going to stay how it is.
Clean....Nice find!
Welcome to the forum!
One of the first things to get attention on my Toaster was repainting the headlight bucket. Amazing how much it improved the look of the motorcycle. I hope you enjoy your Airhead.