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Post a pic of your Airhead

First ever Airhead ride on a gorgeous spring day!


You never forget your first time! :rocker
Finally on the road after much tinkering
New (to me) Airhead - 1989 BMW R100RT (R100s)

Hi folks,
Here is my 1989 BMW R100RT which was converted to a R100s by the previous owner. I think he did a fine job in the conversion process and hope to put many (s)miles on it in the future. I'm in Phoenix, AZ (downtown area) so give a jingle if you are in the area and would like to kick tires and do some rides. Al
1989 R100s.jpg
I was out for a little scoot yesterday.
My New (to me) Ride

Hey there - First post here with a pic of my recent purchase, a 1971 R75/5 I got in San Francisco for a 61st birthday present to myself. Overall, runs pretty good for not being worked on in a long time by the previous owner(s). Having some work done to the motor prior to moving forward with a restoration. I'm sure I'll be coming to the Airheads forum for future guidance!

Hey there - First post here with a pic of my recent purchase, a 1971 R75/5 I got in San Francisco for a 61st birthday present to myself. Overall, runs pretty good for not being worked on in a long time by the previous owner(s). Having some work done to the motor prior to moving forward with a restoration.
Restoration? :scratch
Restoration? :scratch

Well, refresh might be a better word. The frame has got a bit of rust, the tank as well as fenders have some paint issues, and some parts just need to be replaced. Just looking to bring back some of the glory years for the bike.