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Pix of your rig

1936 R12 with a 1937 Juwel Sidecar

Here is my 1936 R12 with a period Juwel German sidecar.
Not too fast, but turns heads when I ride it.


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R75/2 & Steib s/c

This is my conversion /2 with an R75/5 engine and gearbox. After I completed the bike and sidecar, I decided that it just did not have enough guts, so I put 1974 R90/6 cylinders, pistons and heads on it. I did a lot of other modifications also.
The both the levers and left control is from a BMW R12, while the throttle is /5 with the lever perch cut off. Needless to say, the valve covers are custom also. The headlight bucket is /5. What used to be the spark retard lever on the R12 left control is now the choke. I also used R25/2 handlebar risers so everything would clear the Hoske tank.


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RE: R75/2 & steib s/c

How about a 'tour' around that beauty? Or at least a shot revealing the other side! :thumb

Here is another shot, of the other side. I can't figure out how to put more than one photo in the same post, so I'll just do a couple of posts.


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R75/2 & steib other side

Here is another shot. I have a 450 watt alternator on the bike, and have a relay on the high beam so when I go to high beam, the Hella flame thrower auto driving light comes on, that is mounted on the side car frame. I changed the wiring to the sidecar, so the Cobra handle is the now the rig's right side directional.
The left directional in front is a /5 and the rear in in the Enduro bag.
Both enduro bags function as tail lights, and there is an Eber brake and tail light on the back of the side car fender.
Needless to say, the right hand Enduro bag had to be modified so it would fit over the rear side car attachment. I also have interior lights rigged up inside the nose of the side car, and in the trunk of the side car. Nothing worse at a rally at night, than trying to hold a flashlight in your teeth, while you rummage around in the hack, looking for something. I now have, (but not in this photo) A GPS mounted on the grab rail of the side car, and a helmet to helmet communication installed in the hack.


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there is an Eber brake and tail light on the back of the side car fender.

Beauty. How's she handle. Any videos to drop in the video thread?


I ditched the URAL lighting on mine and added tail lamps from the 'tug' to tie the rig together.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jim_popper/4572619368/" title="Light Modification. by GrafikFeat, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4039/4572619368_7b445f7a74_z.jpg" width="640" height="477" alt="Light Modification." /></a>

The front lens went from red to clear and i put an amber lamp in it.
While I love the look of the directionals, they are out in the breeze and a 'leg catch' if not careful.
I may put LEDs inside the housing. If they break off.
I 'run' the GPS but I wanna put a dashboard and radio on the chair.
My adds are by way of use.
This rig will stop evolving when i stop riding it!

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jim_popper/4572620774/" title="New Front Running Lamp On. by GrafikFeat, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4028/4572620774_ff8b940980_z.jpg" width="640" height="429" alt="New Front Running Lamp On." /></a>

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reply + 1951 R51/3 & LS200 s/c

Beauty. How's she handle. Any videos to drop in the video thread?

The conversion rig handles well. Shaft jacking, when pouring the coals to it tends to make it pull to the right some, but you get used to that. It has WAY more power than a stock R50. We have jumped from 28 hp to 75 hp Like all pre 70 bikes, it is very low to the ground, so it has a low center of gravity. That helps a lot in fast corners.

Sorry but I have no means of doing a video.

Here is a photo of my 1951 R51/3 with an LS200 Steib sidecar. I've had this rig for 28 years now, and have repainted it 3 times over the years.


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So, Vech, you really jacking up your post count these days! Things are slow at the shop, huh?? :)

As for videos, what about this one? Johnson City 2009!

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/c18V1g8kbls?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/c18V1g8kbls?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
sidecar racing

Zundapp KS 600 with army Steib


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K1100 with sidecar

After 50 years back to BMW.This is my rig for 2011


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