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Pix of your rig

Thanks for the clarification there angysdad,

So that's two .... does anyone else find the Heeler more than a little attractive?

edit - Or not.. .. .
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I posted this in Airheads not realizing we now have a sidecar forum!

Here's my new rig. The tug started life as a '77 R100S, #306 off the assembly line.

I hope to restore the s-fairing this coming winter (I have the original fairing w/ gauges, it needs some elbow grease and paint). The seat cowl is long gone so the bike has a new /7 repro seat. I added the /6 valve covers 'cause I had them on a shelf and the /7 covers had been stripped of paint and never repainted, they were a bit homely. The bars are wide/low sidecar bars. I'm trying them out since they are compatible w/ the s-fairing and like them so far.

The rig was set up by the previous owner and Lonnie Cook. The car is a 2002 Velorex, rigging is Dauntless.

It is gonna be a fun summer!





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1986 K100RS w/ EML

I've owned this one since 1996. Purchased it while stationed in Heidelberg, Germany from John Borella in Connecticut. A friend picked it up for us and we picked it up the following year. Last year I rode the rig to Phoenix for some much needed renewal... Some modifications, some farkle, and a coat of paint.

Here's what it looked like in Phoenix before the work.


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And this is what Ken Bone was able to do by way of restoration and renewal.


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Here's mine, not a Beemer but the bike was already paid for so it was cheaper to just buy the sidecar.


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One extreme to the other...

I began hacking about 5 years ago when I bought an Indian Chief and had Champion install their Legend chair. I modified and customized it to what you see here. However, I quickly realized the limitations of traveling with this rig, so I am (almost) in possession of my new R1200GSA w/EZS combo. Dauntless have done an outstanding job and it will be on display at the BMW Rally this weekend in Oregon...which unfortunately I am unable to attend.
After a year in the making, and just requiring a few final touches, I am eagerly awaiting delivery!




1068 BMW R50/2 - R90/6 conversion w/Jawa Velorex chair...


I completed this sidecar in the late 70's. Sold it in 1984 and bought it back 9 years later which is a story all by itself. I have been riding it around again since 95 after I basically rebuilt the entire outfit. It had been stuck away in the second ownerÔÇÖs barn for 8 years. The guy who bought it from me put a little over 600 miles on it total so the engine, a 76 R90/6. has 24K original miles. Since I had it down for repairs I got a local welder to modify the /2 swing arm to accept /5 - /7 final drives and currently I am running a 3:36 driven by a modified /6 drive shaft connected to an updated 76 5 speed transmission. It uses the entire /6 electrical system and has a small car battery in the chair.

The fairing is a 1962 Avon Air with all original brackets and a /5 halogen converted headlight. Body work is /7 grafted to the original /2 frame. Not exactly a concourse old style bike but I can still get parts for it reasonably and that was the idea when I began the project. It has had an R60/6 engine and an R75/6 engine in it previous to the R90.

It gets driven around town and IÔÇÖve had it out on the road occasionally over the years. The longest trip was around 1500 miles to a side car rally in Arkansas a few years back. I have had some paint work done to my RS and may actually get to have the hack pin-striped. Something I never did before.
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Hannigan Event and Ohio '10 034.jpg
Photo is at the National Cemetary in Bath, NY. The bike is an '05 LT and the hack is an '09 Hannigan. The bike has 125K; as a rig it has 27K. Car tire and wheel installed by C. Stanley.
...the reason I bought this rig, to haul my bird dog around. We made a trip this morning up a local canyon so he could stretch his legs.

That's a nice looking rig and riding partner too!
Anymore images!?

Tons of photos here:


Most of these are from when I first bought it, cleaned it up, and changed the bars to wide/low bars. I'm slowing adding photos from trips this summer but am behind on getting them loaded (I'll add more once summer is over!).

I bought this rig from a nice guy in your neighborhood (Snohomish) just this May.
Verra nice !

I hope to have one like this some day, tho if I get a Velorex 'car I'd probably need to get the 565 model (flip top) for easier entry (for less agile humans and aging dogs).