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??? Pink cat-code plug ???



:dunno I have a 2003 R1150RS...... Do I have the pink plug, or the grey plug?
Where do I find it and is it worth the cost/hassle to change it?:help thanks
Those code plugs contain nothing more than a pair of jumper points. Nothing more than that. You can just make a jumper wire with spade lugs and connect them to the appropriate points in the fusebox. I have seen the photo's somewhere in which you could see where two points get connected depending on the color of the plug. I am sure someone here has the piccies to show.Why do you need them? :lurk
:dunno I don't know that I NEED it so much as was wondering if it helps with eliminating surging. I didn't concern myself with the surging problem until I tried to ride in town (2nd or 3rd gear, 30-35 MPH). Very annoying. I know about valve adjustments and all, but ..........
pink cat code plug


Do a search here in oilers on surging and you'll pull up lots of threads on how to deal with it. The device to install, if all else fails, is the Techlusion 259 chip.

Also, register in the RS Forum at Bikers Oracle and do a search there for the same thing and you'll pull up lots of information .

Good luck.

I must have been lucky, cause my 94 R1100RS never had a surging problem. But then, it never had the grey cat-code plug that would allow me to use the pink cat-code plug. I found out later the early Oilheads never had the cat-code plug to begin with and the fuel map just ran the bike a bit richer.
FWIW, my 06 R1150 GSA did not come with any plug and runs fine on anything I put in the gastank, from 85 octane to 95 octane... I don't know what the changes were in the motronic for this last year the 1150 was made, but surging has never been present. I already have 42K on the bike.
The 1150RS should in the USA spec bike would have come with the pink cat code plug, it is in the fuse box under the seat.

Common thing to try to solve surging is using the olive green box or make a jumper to simulate it with short piece of wire and 2 spade connectors.

* Green CCP- jumper wire connects slots 30 and 86

The 1100 engine has a different color CCP and setup, above does not apply to 1100.