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Ohlins Rear Shock

Welcome to the forum! Have you tried asking around to some of the local motorcycle shops? I would think they might have a line on people who do that work in your area.

I google "ohlin shock rebuild" and found a few items of interest...one was the Ohlin USA service site:


Ted's Beemershop in Northern California offers rebuild service:


I also searched our forum and found a few threads:


Ohlins rebuild.

5 months ago, RaceTech in Corona Ca. serviced mine with a 1 day turnaround. (I don't think that is usually the case)
I sent my Works shocks for a R90/6 back to Works Performance for a rebuild a month ago, and have not got them back yet! I don't think that is usually the case. The factory is next to a wash (dry creek) that flooded the shop about 3 weeks ago.
I had contacted two local shops about rebuilding/servicing the Ohlins, they said to bring it in, then declined to do the job after they looked at it.
Both said they did not have a correct tool to service it, and didn't want to risk damaging it.
Ted at the BeemerShop is an excellent source for things AirHead related. They rebuilt the R90 heads on a 3 week turnaround.
Edit; Got the shocks back from Works in 7 weeks. No other comment needed.
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