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NHTSA Investigates R-bikes & Michelin recall

If the site glass thing is happening...why have we not heard about it, especially on this forum?...Police Motors in Phoenix or some extreme Libyan desert uses?:dunno
Hope not anyways...panic will ensue withis the ranks:brow
If the site glass thing is happening...why have we not heard about it, especially on this forum?.

This is old news. It's not common but it does happen, although most threads I have read referred to the sight glass popping out due to internal pressure, not "melting". Search this sight and other R-bike sites and you will find several threads about the oil level sight glass problems.
This is old news. It's not common but it does happen, although most threads I have read referred to the sight glass popping out due to internal pressure, not "melting". Search this sight and other R-bike sites and you will find several threads about the oil level sight glass problems.

heard about pressure blowouts...have changed 10 year old windows due to concerns...but melting was a new one!
Didn't mean to alarm anyone... Took me by surprise because I hadn't heard anything about it. Hopefully end of thread.
Good legal's

:lurk That could put the damper on your trip:banghead

:type Nice site thanks :thumb
I have seen other posts about the site glass popping out. At first I thought, "I better get a new site glass for my 94 RS since it has 120,000+ miles on it".

But then I got to thinking. The most likely reason for the site glass popping out is crankcase pressure exceeding what the site glass seal can handle. And the most likely cause for crankcase pressure buildup is a blockage in the crankcase vent line, or the oil level is much higher than intended.

Another way may be using an oil filter that has a higher pressure holdback valve, though I'm not sure about that one.

I keep a close watch on the oil level on my bike. I have on a few occassions over filled the crankcase, but then drained off oil until I got the right amount.
After enough years, miles, and or heat cycles the rubber surround for the sight glass hardens and loses much of its elasticity. Then as the engine case heats up the recess the sight glass is pressed into expands and a film of oil can begin to seep between the engine case recess and the rubber inserted into it.

Rather suddenly it gets a little slippery in their and the sight glass is at risk for being spit right out. So periodically, I replace sight glasses - maybe every 100K miles or every two or three of years. It is cheap insurance. Certaninly - if you detect any oiliness around the sight glass it is time to change it.

Oily boots and pants are bad enough. Oily brakes and tires are worse. Lost oil pressure may be worse than that.
sight Glass Repair On THe Road

Carry a 40mm (I think) auto freeze-plug. You can generally get it to hold until you get to a dealer.
What is envolved in replacing the sight glass & seal? Specifically how do you get the old one out?

Replaced two recently...heated a sheetmetal screw held in vice grips and screwed it thru glass, then pulled it out...worked well on first bike.
The '95 required me to pry it out with screwdriver thru hole in glass. I prob did not wait long enough for screw to cool off, or 12 years just made it well stuck. It popped right out with light pressure however. this one was very foggy and hard to see oil level
the new one popped right in using a socket the same size as a drift.
Cleaned area with brake parts cleaner prior to install.
Thanks Henzilla! I'll think I'll just replace the sight glass in the 97 (fogggy). If the rain looks like it will hold off, we're taking a ride to luckenbach this Saturday. Are you free?

And thats a good idea Roger about the freeze plug, when I get the new sight glass I will measure and get a expandable freeze plug. Thanks
Thanks Henzilla! I'll think I'll just replace the sight glass in the 97 (fogggy). If the rain looks like it will hold off, we're taking a ride to luckenbach this Saturday. Are you free?

And thats a good idea Roger about the freeze plug, when I get the new sight glass I will measure and get a expandable freeze plug. Thanks

The R bike has very easy access for glass replacement and took maybe 10 minutes. and a secure feeling with a new see thru glass in place.

I think we will be up for a Saturday ride...packing for the Wisconsin trip and leaving Sunday, but need to scuff the new tires up. I'll know more later this evening after I remount all the wheels. Waiting on Zabor's to call so I can go get them