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New RTP Owner

Jim Rogers

New member
Afternoon All,

As I posted in the New Member section, I have been riding off and on for a long time. This is my first BMW. So far, I just love it! But, as any newbie would, I have a couple/three questions.

I know my '00 RTP has a floating front break system. There is a bit of a rattle and some rubbing when I roll 'Hilda' out of the barn, backwards. I have read in some of the threads this is not a concern but I have also read of folks replacing the buttons (which seem to have gotten a tad pricey). Talked with the local dealer who gave her a thorough 12K physical immediately after she was delivered. He says "The discs will be below spec [on thickness] before those need replacing. You have a good one. I would ride it anywhere." Any comments?

I just installed a Cee Bailey #2 Euro Cut, +5.5". At 6'4", this puts the unit, in the full up position, just to where I can see over it. Went on an Interstate ride this morning and was very comfortable and quiet. However, I did notice a slight bit of buffeting around the top of my Arai SZ/m. Should I be concerned about the position for rain riding and get the +7.5"? [OBTW - any quality control issues previously reported seem to have been corrected. Mine went on in less than a conservative 10 mins., fitting perfectly.]

I would like to replace the day cases with regulars. There is a business on e-bay selling a set of OEM for R1100RT/R1150RT , without mounts, for $647.40. Will these fit my R1100RTP?

Thanks In Advance,
The front "brake" disc bobbins are rattling because they are worn, some side to side motion is ok, rotational movement is not.

Don't buy the OEM bobbins, replace with the ones from Motobins http://www.motobins.co.uk/displayfinal.php?function=show&subs=278&title=BRAKE+DISCS+AND+BRAKE+PARTS


Works out to be about $80 plus shipping.
Afternoon All,

As I posted in the New Member section, I have been riding off and on for a long time. This is my first BMW. So far, I just love it! But, as any newbie would, I have a couple/three questions.

I know my '00 RTP has a floating front break system. There is a bit of a rattle and some rubbing when I roll 'Hilda' out of the barn, backwards. I have read in some of the threads this is not a concern but I have also read of folks replacing the buttons (which seem to have gotten a tad pricey). Talked with the local dealer who gave her a thorough 12K physical immediately after she was delivered. He says "The discs will be below spec [on thickness] before those need replacing. You have a good one. I would ride it anywhere." Any comments?

I just installed a Cee Bailey #2 Euro Cut, +5.5". At 6'4", this puts the unit, in the full up position, just to where I can see over it. Went on an Interstate ride this morning and was very comfortable and quiet. However, I did notice a slight bit of buffeting around the top of my Arai SZ/m. Should I be concerned about the position for rain riding and get the +7.5"? [OBTW - any quality control issues previously reported seem to have been corrected. Mine went on in less than a conservative 10 mins., fitting perfectly.]

I would like to replace the day cases with regulars. There is a business on e-bay selling a set of OEM for R1100RT/R1150RT , without mounts, for $647.40. Will these fit my R1100RTP?

Thanks In Advance,

Regarding the side case question, if it says it works on a RT, it will work on an RT-P. The crash bars don't get in the way of mounting the cases. You will find, however, that the regular and large lids (especially the large lids) won't open as far as the city case lids, as the crash bars do limit the distance the lids will travel.

I have a set of large lids that I can swap out with the city lids for touring, but for every-day commuting, I prefer the narrow size and ease of the city lids.

Thanks to another RTP rider. I think I will order them today. As I don't have the bars on, should be just perfect. As for the city riding, I agree. I don't carry that much stuff between home and work but I think the larger cases will be just what I need for longer runs.
Congrats on the RTP purchase. I have had mine for about a year and put 6K miles on it. Runs like a champ with 71K on the odometer! Love every minute on it! Have fun! :thumb