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Package From Deutschland Arrived Today 🇩🇪


For those of you who have been following, my bike is down for some repairs, so I decided that since I’m going to have my bike apart, this would be an optimal time to do some upgrades that I put off until a later date. Well…that time has come!

So, I went on a little shopping spree and ordered up the parts needed to do the repair jobs, but also some other goodies that should improve Der Beemer’s performance. Shipments have begun to show up at my house and are piling up on my workbench. Today, a curious white box from Germany arrived on my doorstep. Any guess what it might be? A picture is worth a thousand words (see photo below).

I decided to upgrade the fuel injectors. So, I ordered a matched set of R1200 injectors from Tills. Considering the parts came from Germany, I was surprised at how quickly the good folks at Tills fulfilled my order and had it shipped to my doorstep, especially considering it had to go through Customs. I ordered the package Monday and it arrived by Friday (today).

The other item I ordered is an AF-XiED O2 sensor manipulator. From what I’ve read the folks who’ve installed the AF-XiED have been satisfied with a reduction in surging and smoother idle. Some have reported better performance from the low-mid range RPM’s. While I can say that the upgraded fuel injectors will have better feel atomization and the AF-XiED will improve upon the factory lean running condition, how those two things working together in concert will translate into felt performance remains to be seen. I’m very much looking forward to finding out though.

One upgrade that I haven’t yet decided on but still considering is a paralever bushing kit to replace the factory final drive pivot bearings. Besides being a better design, I like that the bushing kit comes with Zerk grease fittings making them easier to service. Any thoughts on this? Good or bad, I’m interested in hearing your feedback.

