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New member, may I introduce myself?


New member
Hello all, just joined & this is my first post. Wasn't sure which forum to post in, but since I own a 1100GS I figured "oilhead" was good enough. My GS is a 99 which i've owned since new. Actually it was a demo with a little over 500 miles that I got a good deal on. This bike is the first & only BMW that i've owned so far. I've never held on to a bike this long (7&1/2 years) without sellng it & plan to keep my GS as long as I live. I don't know why i've waited so long to join bmwmoa but what the hell, here I am. I also spend a lot of time over at advrider.com.
Now a little short bio. I'm 51 years young & have been riding motorcycles since I was 13. My dad got my brother & I into the sport by buying us a Honda CT70 when we were kids & we've never looked back as the three of us still ride. My dad is 79 & rides a 1200GS. Yes, I turned him on to BMW's. My bro. owns two Kawasakis, a KTM & a brand new Ducati Hypermotard S. I raced MX as a teenager on German bikes, a Sachs & DKW which were the same thing really, did the sportbike thing for a few years before deciding that, although they're a blast in their element, they're just too impractical. I wanted a bike that could do a little of everything including carrying the wife & had always liked the funkyness & versatility of the GS line & so I took a demo ride & I was hooked.
Well, I won't bore you guys (& gals) any longer, just wanted to say howdy & hope that maybe i'll be able to learn something here as well as contribute a little. Cheers!
Here's a recent pic. The farkle wish list is still a long one but other responsibilities keep getting in the way.:laugh
Neat looking GS!

welcome to the forum, have a beer and relax:drink
Welcome Pirana. Nice looking scoot.
Now, when can we go visit your brothers stable of bikes???? Sounds like he has a fun garage.

Welcome Pirana.

Glad you've branched out from those adrenalin junkie hooligan juvenile delinquents over at ADV. (It's a great forum - just teasing).

I like the way you've emphasized the whole GS funk thing with your bike. It's got a refreshing attitude that the Uber GS Afrika Corps techno-meister look can't touch. I've got a hunch you know how to wring it out.
welcome pirana! i too have joined bmwmoa very recently although i've been on the other forums like ADV and the pelican R11S/R12S boards for awhile now. this is a great board for us beemer nuts!

i just sold my GS that i bought new in '94. thought i'd never sell her either but alas, i got hooked on the replika and i just wasn't having as much fun on the GS...but i do miss her sometimes.