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New Member from Northern Virginia!

Willkommen Merryl Lynch!

Looks like Motorcycles of Dulles. Hope U meet some of our former riding buddies in the DMV neck of the woods! Lots of turnover up that way. We're blessed to have left the traffic behind for more gentile backroad travelers... :nod Consider joining your local club too := https://bmw2.org

Happy Trails whenever U can!
HSV-Phil --- & --- HSV-Karen

USAF-Ret'd — & — USN-Ret’d
'75 R90S ——-—— '82 R100CS
'14 K16GT ———— '16 R1200RS
’09 KLX250S ——— ’88 R100RT
’05 Vespa 200L -—-- ’11 Vespa GTS 300
President of MOA CC-05: mailto:president@bmwmoal.org