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Retread in Hoover AL


New member
Not so new, but returning after a BMW hiatus.
Joined years back, when I had an '03 650gs Dakar, then an '05, and got tired of waiting for the 800gs and went orange. KTM 950 Adventure S.
Now have a '22 1250 GS Adventure, so you get to put up with me again.
Or not put up with me... your call. :p
Hallo Sadlsor down in Hoover.

Here's hoping that your GSA will get sprung shortly from the dealership in BHM. We want you to be happy after changing m/c brands this year. Personally, we get our newer BMWs serviced at Pandora's in Chattanooga, although Freedom Powersports here in HSV has recently changed hands. Maybe they'll become more competent when service is needed going forward... :dunno

The AlaBeemers do have a few GS-oriented riders towards the south of the state. I try to lead a Second Saturday ride every month when we're home. I never know who will show or how many. We've visited many different restaurants north/south/east & west. We will be headed to Redmond Oregon in time to be set up on Weds, June 12th; maybe someone else will step-up to lead a local ride next June... :brow

Our MOAL club is here -> https://www.bmwmoal.org

Happy Trails whenever U can - Ciao!
HSV-Phil & HSV-Karen
USAF-Ret'd — & — USN-Ret’d

'75 R90S ————— '82 R100CS
’09 KLX250S ——— ’08 CRF230L
'14 K16GT ———— '16 R1200RS
’05 Vespa 200L -—- ’11 Vespa GTS 300
Welcome sadlsor! Hope you are enjoying the bike! Pics are always appreciated so that we can revel in its awesomeness.