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New Member Cave Creek AZ

That's all??? 20 over?:whistle:whistle

Welcome to the site. If you find yourself headed to So Az, look me up.


§ 28-701.02, the speeding charge becomes criminal. Criminal speeding occurs when a driver exceeds: 85 miles per hour on any roadway. Or anytime, someone exceeds 20+ miles per hour over the posted speed limit in Az..

I watch that above pretty close, I'd prefer a civil infraction and fine than a criminal infraction which remains on your record forever. There's no setting aside the verdict/penalty imposed by the state nor can one have in expunged from their record. :brow

In the next few months, I'd like to get back down to Mt. Lemmon again. You probably know all the twisties around Tuscon as well, sounds like a good time sir.