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Motorcylce stores in NYC?


New member
Hi! I'll be in Manhattan next week and was wondering if anyone knows of stores for motorcycle gear in the City. Is there a place where one could find second hand leathers or aerostitch suits, etc? That kind of stuff. . . . I already found the Manhattan BMW show room so that's on my list already.
I'd suggest you post a similar message in the New York regional forum. I'm sure somone who lives in New York will pop up and help out.

Good luck...
Hi! I'll be in Manhattan next week and was wondering if anyone knows of stores for motorcycle gear in the City. Is there a place where one could find second hand leathers or aerostitch suits, etc? That kind of stuff. . . . I already found the Manhattan BMW show room so that's on my list already.

I've never seen an interesting cycle or scooter shop in Manhattan, but there are several in Paris. You just need to get a different plane ticket.
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Manhattan BMW was waiting on a shipment of womens gear.
Seems the warehouse roof where their order was had collapsed
In NY's last megasnow! Too bad! I had a shopping list too!
The sales guys were great though! Very friendly!