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MOAL Feb Ride-2-Eat: 11Feb


Attached below is my MOAL 2nd Saturday Ride-2-Eat gpx-file for Feb. We’ll wend our way from the Blue Plate Cafe in HSV along many county roads north, east and then south to Guntersville all across Jackson County. We pre-rode the route with no closed-bridges this time. You can ride your own ride to the rendezvous point - whatever suits your mood.

Jim gave me his suggestion from the Birmingham News suggesting we try the “Homecoming Cafe” on the shore of Lake Guntersville - it’s on the south side of Rt 227 - away from the RR tracks. It don’t look like a Michelin starred eatery from the street, but it’s very cozy inside and our food today was delicious. Attaching a few pix below.

I hope you’ll RSVP NLT Feb 9th [so I can call them on Friday]. They would like to know how many BMWs to expect (the tables are spread out a wee bit). You are, of course, allowed to “Drive” if the weather is too icy & dicey for your spirit. I hope our HSV riders will arrive “around 1100.” - They serve breakfast & lunch W-S, so they’ll let you in upon arrival. They even offer canned local craft beer (Main Channel) and some wine {if you’re so enthused}. A small sign on the wall says, “No WiFi - pretend it’s 1995, and you just talk at your table.”


Ciao! Phil & Karen
rsvp’s to: president@bmwmoal.org

Garmin data:
View attachment R2E-Feb-2023.gpx

Frontal view:

Today’s menus - changes as necessary.

Their philosophy...

Interior layout:

Karen and our luncheon selections.
Well it is still winter even here in northern AL at the regular Vintage biker breakfast...

There was a mixture of 19 BMW & NAVMC folks at the Blue Plate Cafe on a chilly 38F Sat morning.

I led 4 hardy bikers on my planned backroads ride to the HomecomingAndCo eatery in Guntersville. The ride was ~100 miles along some “interesting” backroads with just a little sun glare as we departed Huntsville heading north. We climbed 1000’ ft up CR-146 toward the community of Skyline; turned south on CR-33 descending from that ridge toward Scottsboro to cross the Tennessee River bridge before following the Guntersville Lake shoreline south to the cafe. We were met by Paul from Mississippi once more on his F800R, as well as a handful of automobile pilots.

Here’s some of the gang studying the breakfast & lunch menus behind the cashier.

I think everyone was very satisfied with their selections - all local organic sourcing as much as possible. I enjoyed my hearty pork sandwich with slaw and a bit of homemade bbq sauce along with a side of griddle fried green beans :eat

We had to spread out across three tables - here’s Paul chatting with Kay & Vernon speaking with Doug...

Hope your winter BMW Rides are as enjoyable! We had to ride home in some rain showers, but the temps had risen to a balmy 48F. C’est la vie.

Stay tuned for future AlaBeemer Rides-2-Eat!
Ciao, HSV-Phil & HSV-Karen