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Mid-South ride, eat, and meet

Lost track of the vacuum packed pecans. Opened the freezer and found them. Hum; time to hand out frozen packs of pecans to some friends.


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The winter blizzard has passed, so back in the machine shop at ASU-MidSouth. Practicing turning, tapping, tapering, threading, etc. to make this hammer on old school machine shop equipment. Used to work as a job shop machinist 40 some odd years ago, back in the day.
The winter blizzard has passed, so back in the machine shop at ASU-MidSouth. Practicing turning, tapping, tapering, threading, etc. to make this hammer on old school machine shop equipment. Used to work as a job shop machinist 40 some odd years ago, back in the day.
The winter blizzard has passed, so back in the machine shop at ASU-MidSouth. Practicing turning, tapping, tapering, threading, etc. to make this hammer on old school machine shop equipment. Used to work as a job shop machinist 40 some odd years ago, back in the day.


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The winter blizzard has passed, so back in the machine shop at ASU-MidSouth. Practicing turning, tapping, tapering, threading, etc. to make this hammer on old school machine shop equipment. Used to work as a job shop machinist 40 some odd years ago, back in the day.
Your hammer came out great Barry. It is a nice “project“ to bring back into the machining world. :thumb
Your hammer came out great Barry. It is a nice “project“ to bring back into the machining world. :thumb
Thanks; Ain’t done yet. Just the prelim’s. Trying to get my mojo back. Operating old school equipment without a lot of pressure on me. I’m a pretty fair fit 70 year old. Really kinda sad. I’m working in a fairly decent college machine shop. By my self. Not one other soul in the place. Other than the the lead instructor, who is teaching ‘one’ student in CNC machining. The hammer is still in process.
Thanks; Ain’t done yet. Just the prelim’s. Trying to get my mojo back. Operating old school equipment without a lot of pressure on me. I’m a pretty fair fit 70 year old. Really kinda sad. I’m working in a fairly decent college machine shop. By my self. Not one other soul in the place. Other than the the lead instructor, who is teaching ‘one’ student in CNC machining. The hammer is still in process.


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My lonely toolbox


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