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Luggage Mounting Hardware


New member
Hey all--

Just brought a K75 into the mix
I have bags, racks but no mounting hardware.
I'm seeing item #18 in the diagram but not finding it available.

Any leads appreciated.

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That part is not used on a K75. That part is used to adapt the K style luggage to the R bikes of the period. There are tabs welded to the rear of the K frame that the rear of the luggage rack bolts to.

That part is not used on a K75. That part is used to adapt the K style luggage to the R bikes of the period. There are tabs welded to the rear of the K frame that the rear of the luggage rack bolts to.


Now the parts fiche makes sense. Instead as showing the part as Not Available, part number 17 and 18 do not show on the list.
The same diagram is used for several models.
Now the parts fiche makes sense. Instead as showing the part as Not Available, part number 17 and 18 do not show on the list.
The same diagram is used for several models.

That happens all the time between the K100 and the K75 illustrations where 95% of the parts are identical but 5% are different. I guess back then, when they didn’t have computer generated illustrations, where a click of a button would add or delete a part from an illustration, it was deemed more cost effective to have one illustration and just modify the text below.
