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Headlight Mounted Mirrors for Pre ‘70 models


Saw a pair of headlight mounted mirrors for sale in one of the BMW clubs “Parts for Sale” around Mid October ‘23. Even PM’d the the ad poster and told him could not buy at that time but will check back in a few weeks to see if they were still available.

Can’t find anything anywhere, even a PM. I only belong to a few BMW clubs, but still can’t find anything.
(Must be ‘old’ knocking at my door again.)

They may have sold but PM shouldn’t have disappeared.

Anybody seen such an item listed for sale somewhere ?

Saw a pair of headlight mounted mirrors for sale in one of the BMW clubs “Parts for Sale” around Mid October ‘23. Even PM’d the the ad poster and told him could not buy at that time but will check back in a few weeks to see if they were still available.

Can’t find anything anywhere, even a PM. I only belong to a few BMW clubs, but still can’t find anything.
(Must be ‘old’ knocking at my door again.)

They may have sold but PM shouldn’t have disappeared.

Anybody seen such an item listed for sale somewhere ?



Albert Headlight mirrors are what you're looking for. I've got them on my /2 and while they look great, you'll mostly get a great look at your knees, so be ready for that. $170/side, it appears.

They are dead sexy, though, aren't they? Note that it looks like you can get replacement parts for them on that page.

I hope that's helpful.
Market place has a set

There's a set of pre-70 headlight mounted mirrors for sale on the MOA Marketplace $120.
Headlight-Mounted Mirrors

I love the look of these mirrors, but couldn't justify their cost, so I took a pair of after-market mirrors, chopped off some of the stem and threaded them. They hadn't cost more than $30 total.

OK, the visibility is not as good as mirrors on the bars, but after messing around with their length and angle, I got them to work OK. Hope you agree they look good.


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