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KGT Rear Drive Fluid Change Model Year 2009


Honey Badger
The articles, posts and comments in this tech section are posted by individual members and reflect their personal thoughts and experiences with repairing, maintaining, and generally working on motorcycles. This information may require specific knowledge and skills, may or may not be correct or current to model.

The authors of information found here and the BMW MOA take no responsibility for ensuring the accuracy of any information (including procedures, techniques, parts numbers, torque values, tool usage, etc.), or further for any damage of any kind or injuries incurred or caused by anyone following the instructions or information found here.

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This pictorial deals with the changing of the final drive fluid in the rear drive.

The procedure is broken out into four stages:

  • The first stage is the preparatory work to get the bike to do a final drive fluid change.

  • The second stage is the rear drive fluid draining

  • The third stage is refilling

  • The fourth stage is the re-assembly
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Aside from standard mechanics tools you will need:

- T25
- T40
- T45
- T50
- 6mm Hex
- Assorted 1/4" and 3/8" drive extensions
- Torque wrench

Bike Information:

2009 KGT 1300, ABS/ASC

The 2009 model rear drive does not require it to be "dropped" to change the fluid as there is a drain plug installed.

Also on the 2009 Model the fluid is replaced thru the fill hole instead of the Speed Sensor

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Stage One - Preparatory Stage

The preparatory stage consists of:

  • Putting the bike on the centerstand on a flat stable surface. - not shown

  • Remove both saddlebags - not shown

  • Taking the muffler off

  • Taking the rear wheel off

Once the rear wheel is off the decision path for either the fluid drain or the spline lube can be determined.
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Muffler Removal

Using a T-25 Torx remove the shield covering the exhaust by the throttle-side foot peg.


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Note tongue and groove secondary capture design


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Once the muffler clamp is loosened you can remove the muffler hanger bolt.

IMPORTANT NOTE - hold onto the muffler as you remove the hanger bolt - if not it will fall.


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Once you have removed the muffler the exhaust system is wide open - so I stuff a rag to prevent any introduction of debris.


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Remove the rear wheel using a T-50

Shop Tip - put bike in first gear to remove the wheel bolts


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IMPORTANT NOTE - the wheel bolts have NO lubricant or locking material of ANY type applied to them. They come out dry, they go in dry.


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Draining and Filling Fluid Procedure Outline

Draining and Refill Procedure

To drain the fluid you need to remove the drain bolt from the bottom of the rear drive unit and refill thru the speed sensor hole.

Prior to removing the drain plug you need to remove the rear caliper and set it out of the way.

  • Remove the drain plug and let it drain

  • Once the drive has been drained re-install the drain plug

  • Remove the fill plug and fill to specification

  • Torque Fill Plug to specification

  • Re-install caliper

  • Re-install rear wheel

  • Re-install muffler
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Unclip the two plastic Speed Sensor cable support clips from the Brake Cable


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Grasp the brake cable and then push the clip off as shown, repeat for the other clip.


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Once the caliper is removed you need to get it out of the way so you can access the drain bolt and put a catch can underneath.

I wrapped the caliper so it would not get scratched or scratch the frame.



If you are planning to lubricate the driveshaft splines as part of the rear fluid change go to this link now Spline Lube Link

If you are just going to change the final drive fluid - continue below



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Shown below is the location of the drain plug on the rear drive


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Using a T-45 remove the drain plug and have a suitable device to catch the waste fluid.

A very useful link you can use to locate recycling centers in your area is this one - special thanks to Ted for finding and providing

Earth 911


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