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The process is essentially backwards with attention paid to fit of the air filter into the snorkle and adding some lubricant (optional) to the nipple pins for ease future dissassembly.
Insert filter into snorkle, with snorkle oriented with the intake opening at the 6 o'clock position
Now fit in the air filter/snorkle assembly into the air box and align nipple pin to its mounting location and push in until fully seatead on both sides.
Note that the air box end has a tongue and groove set up, below is the detail of the bottom fitment, the green line highlighting the snorkle tube and the area below the line is where the lock pin is inserted
After you have pushed in the snorkle and air filter assembly into place, install the retaining pins and push in until the lock in place - you will hear and audible click.
Mounting the computer completed the replacement of the air filter.
Replace the right side panel in the reverse order of removal to finish completely (noting the various screw lengths and their postion as you reassemble)