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Is my timing off?


I am glad you were able to solve your problem and found dead center. When you say 1 shim off... you meaning to loose or tight?
I am glad you were able to solve your problem and found dead center. When you say 1 shim off... you meaning to loose or tight?

Turns out the intake valves were within spec ( towards lower end of normal range ), but the exhaust valves were both way too tight. I couldn't even get a guage under one side. I actually had to get shims that were .30 mm thinner, if I recall. That's more than two sizes thinner. In fact, there is only one shim thinner ( 2.30 mm ). Anyway, it brought both exhaust valves within spec. The bike is back together and running fine.
Turns out the intake valves were within spec ( towards lower end of normal range ), but the exhaust valves were both way too tight. I couldn't even get a guage under one side. I actually had to get shims that were .30 mm thinner, if I recall. That's more than two sizes thinner. In fact, there is only one shim thinner ( 2.30 mm ). Anyway, it brought both exhaust valves within spec. The bike is back together and running fine.

I'm glad you got your bike back in spec especially when you were tight. Glad it is back together and running fine.