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I wish they wouldn't show things like this-

Even if this podcast guy is reliable, knowledgeable, and truthful - and we don't know that - it isn't the point whether the Pinto was good, bad, better, worse, or perfect compared to other vehicles. The point is that a US public corporation would actually conduct a cost-benefit analysis and conclude that allowing people to die and paying their survivors was cheaper, and therefore better for the stock holders than remedying a known, documented lethal defect in the design of the car. And then of course they acted on that analysis. If the Vega or whatever was worse so be it, but GM didn't get caught with a "nobody cares who dies" cost-benefit analysis like Ford did. I personally have no doubt that dozens if not scores or hundreds of corporations have acted equally badly. But Ford got caught and all about it is taught every semester in today's business schools.
I wish they wouldn’t promote stunt riding either.


My guess is cost/benefit analysis factors in with big companies decisions as a routine, not an exception.

I was surprised how long it took BMW to fix the telelever stanchion problem, for example. There is reasonable speculation that may have been a factor in Kevin Ash’s crash on the South African intro when the new water cooled GS was first released, but that information was never made public AFIK.

My guess is cost/benefit analysis factors in with big companies decisions as a routine, not an exception.

I was surprised how long it took BMW to fix the telelever stanchion problem, for example. There is reasonable speculation that may have been a factor in Kevin Ash’s crash on the South African intro when the new water cooled GS was first released, but that information was never made public AFIK.

The fault didn't necessarily lie with the cost analysis: it was the conclusion of the benefit that was the problem.
The fault didn't necessarily lie with the cost analysis: it was the conclusion of the benefit that was the problem.

So ANY cost benefit analysis that involves life and death and the possibility of lawsuits requires a 0% probability? That ain't gonna happen. Therefore, the question really is what's an acceptable % probability. I don't buy the, "if it saves one life it's worth it". SCANDAL- the engineer said if you don't do [this] someone could die, corporate thinks [this] has a cost disproportionate to the benefit-NYT gets the story....BAM! Corporate murderers! I'm not defending Ford but I don't know enough to cheer a lawsuit-to-bankrupcy.
As we try to maneuver back on track....

This method of advertising first caught my attention years ago when construction trade shows had these demos-

There was a significant backlash by the owners of construction companies against encouraging "stunting" with the owners equipment endangering both the operator and equipment. Quite a few "letters to the editors" pointing out the dangers......and this was before the internet!

There is so much that can go wrong with this type of operation.

So I guess this is a NO-NO?

Then we have the disclaimer game:
Don't hoist your bug up by the bumper
Don't cut the rope after you hoist it up
Don't rip off the door panel
Don't slam the door without opening the window a crack
and...of course
Don't drive your VW into a large body of deep water.

Seriously, if you're so stressed by stupid, funny, untrue, or dangerous commercials...throw out your TV, Actually, we SHOULD throw out our TV's. LOL
We all know marketing works, our resident member marketing experts will confirm that any day. Folks do believe what they see as a benefit awesome technology and repeat what is shown in various media. You would think we are smarter but time shows we are not over and over.

Had a dumbass coworker many years ago who set cruise control and actually climbed in back seat of truck to snooze... didn't last but a few seconds and lucky he lived and didn't kill some someone. He truly believed it would do it all. He was stunned still telling us his story that the cruise failed him :banghead

If not tv, then print, Internet or Bubbas around the campfire will influence someone. :laugh
Can't get away from it without major effort.
Seems to have faded from discussion :dunno

Curious minds would like some reports of use on a motorcycle. Don’t care how it works in a cage. The taking your control of speed in a curve doesn’t warm my heart... but why would you have it on in that environment ?

Agreed. Gives me the yips thinking about changing something actively in a curve for me. Also I use cruise as a tool for straight sections of 'fly over land' and shaking out my numb fingers.
I'm looking forward to playing patty-cake while riding my GSA through some twisty mountain passes, with my eyes closed.
As a result of this thread and the wisdom of the MOA Members, GM has gone back to the drawing board…..and Hollywood…..and added SecureFoam

Everything will be better now…..except for those without SecureFoam.

Seems to have faded from discussion :dunno

No input from anyone with Dynamic Cruise? Curious minds would like some reports of use on a motorcycle. Don’t care how it works in a cage. The taking your control of speed in a curve doesn’t warm my heart... but why would you have it on in that environment ?

Have it on the cage, not on the bike...HOWEVER love it on the car and woul;d love it more on the bike. On the car going into a curve too fast I have to touch the brake or "cancel" with a toggle...on my bke the cruise is defeated with a little extra less twist- easier than the car. I wouldn't mind it on a bike and I see it as less hassle than current cruise where every slight slowdown of the vehicle ahead requires me to defeat cruise. I don't see the problem. I assume the variable bike cruise also allows you to set the distance from car in front, as with my CCC (cage cruise control)
:laugh awesome foam

Another cruise story:

A former spouse had a ‘84 Mustang GT when we met (same time TX DPS were also running highways in them). I was driving it over top of Mansfield Dam at Lake Travis when it had two narrow lanes when the cruise kicked in without my input went to warp speed immediately, luckily I had clear view as braking didn’t disengage and pushing clutch in sent to redline and above... turning ignition off was only out and not guaranteed. Worried about steering locking while nearing 90MPH and traffic approaching as well with that move. Was able to clear dam lanes and find a pullout while riding brakes as I turned ignition off. Restarted normal. Did it again soon after and dealer said no repeatable problem... got rid of the car . Read later of same issues when they invented the internet. :eek
For all of you that have had trouble settling and obtain relief from an insurance company......here is a company promoting habits that would surely hinder a settlement. :scratch

Rebel Renee - GEICO Insurance

For all of you that have had trouble settling and obtain relief from an insurance company......here is a company promoting habits that would surely hinder a settlement. :scratch

Rebel Renee - GEICO Insurance



She's not riding fast or recklessly.

I've watched it 3x, but I'm not seeing anything questionable other than wearing jeans and the sad excuse for gloves. I've never seen a policy specifying required riding gear.

She's not riding fast or recklessly.

I've watched it 3x, but I'm not seeing anything questionable other than wearing jeans and the sad excuse for gloves. I've never seen a policy specifying required riding gear.
Nothing to do with riding :scratch
She gave a report at her book club on a book she didn't read.
She paid off an amusement park "game of chance" operator to get a prize rather than try for a legitimate win.
Basically an ad full of Fraud.
It seems bad enough that ads have a disclaimer with "professional driver", "closed course", "do not attempt".......and by the way, if we catch you driving your vehicle the way we portrayed it in the sales ad- "warranty void".

I just saw this-

And as the prosecutor asks the driver, "what were you doing just before the fatal crash"?

"playing patty cake of course".



Better than a year later…….

GMC is still promoting playing “patty cake” while they are driving. A new commercial shows GMC’s pickup driver running with “no hands” while pulling a 30’ RV trailer. :hungover

Maybe GMC has outsourced advertising to TikTok?

Well at least the AI ChatGTP will be able to write our obits after the self driving cars kill us all.