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I.D. connector in headlight bucket


Hope all is well with the collective :)

Looking for the part number for the "male" counterpart of the round connecter in the headlight bucket of my 85 R80.

If it exists. Looking at a microfiche didn't help.connector in bucket.jpg

If not, then what size bullet connectors to buy.

The plan is to hook up a couple of fog lights.

Thanks in advance.
My Haynes diagram doesn't show any black/white or green/black wires associated with the headlight bucket. What are the other two wire colors? My guess is this is a previous-owner add-on.
I'm the original owner.

One wire is ground, One has power all the time. Two have power with the key on.
Well there you go! What are the four wire colors into this connector. I think I'm seeing the black/white and green/black...the other two?
I don't have a wiring schematic handy right now but I will take a wild guess by looking at the wiring, this could very well be your connection for the four way emergency flashers. If you have them installed already, never mind, LOL, but, take a look at the 85 microfiche and see if the switch and relay for the four ways are listed. I believer they changed the whole set up from 85 and newer as well as early K bikes. If I get out into the garage I will take a look at a schematic and see if I can think of anything else. St.
Kurt - white/blk, green/blk, red, and brown.

The repairs you see to the wires in the bucket are from a removed Hannigan fairing I installed in '86. Scotch locks were used back then and I didn't know better.

Steven - looked up 4 way flasher but no round connector.

Looking through the harnesses also found no round connectors either.

4 way flasher.png
Yeah, round connectors don't ring a bell. Relooking at my Haynes, I see a cluster of wiring that seems to match your colors.

- red power to the clock
- brown of course would be ground
- green/black to the voltmeter
- white/black also to the clock?

You mention a Hannigan...was your bike originally an RT? If it wasn't did it have voltmeter/clock meters installed somehow or would this wiring have been put in place as part of the Hannigan install?
Base model as per my avatar, shown with euro bars instead of "US" bars it came with.

The Hannigan harness, installed by myself, scotch locked into the existing.

I think we've found it. See item 15, appears to be round. It's NLA, but now I have a part number.

Thanks Kurt.
clock and volt meter.png
So I guess I am wrong as to when they changed the four way system. Sometime later on, the switch got changed from the one in the microfiche here to a different one.

Yeah, it makes sense now, the voltmeter taps off either the brake light circuit or something like that. The clock is the red to run, and the white and black are for the internal lightbulbs.